Acheiving spiritual unity and brotherhood through prayer

When you meditate and pray intensely, you send out harmonious waves, and these waves go out to the world to reach men and women who open themselves to this idea of brotherhood for which we work. Yes, by the powerful and harmonious waves you emit, you send messages that are picked up by beings who are receptive and prepared for this. And without even knowing where this impetus comes from, they often make the resolution to work for peace and brotherhood in the world, for spreading the light, and working for the glory of God. Wherever they may be and …

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A Meditation for New Year’s Day

Hundreds of years ago a shepherd in the mountains, was absent-mindedly making a small furrow in the ground with his stick. But then came rain, snow, frost, wind, sun… and gradually the small furrow deepened and widened to become the bed of a torrent. This is only an image, but it shows us that the same phenomenon occurs with humans. Every thought, every feeling is like a furrow drawn in their own inner earth, and all psychic and spiritual forces operating in space contribute to digging and expanding it. A new year begins today… Is it not the time to …

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Video: Surya Yoga- sunrise meditation

people watching sunrise on a rock

Here is the text to the video Surya Yoga- meditative practices at sunrise: The master Omraam strongly recommended this type of meditation which is an ancient Vedic practice. You can view it on YouTube here: The sun is so much more than just a star shining in the sky. In the morning, when you see it appear and rise on the horizon, imagine that you rise with it. The vibrations of your entire being will gradually intensify. You will soon feel the sun enter you so deeply that you will no longer be able to distance yourself from it. …

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What gives meaning to prayer?

photo of snow capped mountain during evening

We can only come into contact with God, the Cosmic Spirit, by coming into contact with the spirit within us, with our higher self. So when you pray to God, you are actually seeking to attain the summit of your being. And if you succeed, you will release a vibration which is so pure and subtle that its diffusion within you will produce the most beneficial transformations. And even if you fail to obtain what you have asked for in your prayers, at least you have gained a few very precious elements. What gives meaning to prayer? The effort you …

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Prayer, the Universal Gift

This is the text of the video, Prayer, the Universe Gift, which I have published on this website. You can view it on the Words of Light YouTube channel here ‘Prayer is the greatest gift that God has given us.. When you pray, your prayer is like a seed; tiny and yet already equipped to grow and bear fruit.You pronounce certain words; you concentrate on a luminous image. And it’s like a cry for help that you’ve launched towards heaven. You need protection, you need help and you will only obtain this protection and help by linking yourself to the …

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Rhythmic breathing- the universal ebb and flow

‘Everything breathes- trees, oceans, even stones… The earth is alive and it breathes; the stars too. Yes, they breathe in and out and the influence of their respiration is felt even here on earth…. Respiration can reveal great mysteries to you, but only when you accompany it with some mental work. As you breathe out, think that you are expanding to the very limits of the universe and then, as you breathe in again, you contract and withdraw into yourself, into your Self, that imperceptible point at the centre of an infinite circle. Again  you expand and again you contract… …

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Creative Prayer- long extract from The Powers of Thought

Young woman in prayer

People have a great many misconceptions about prayer. They imagine that what counts are the words they use. No, very often your words fall short of the mark, they never manage to get up to heaven. Your mouth may murmur words, but you are not really praying if nothing vibrates within you. To be sure, the words you say are very important for the realisation of your prayer, but only if your desire and your thought are already powerful on the spiritual plane; if this is the case, then the words are like a signature which allows the forces on …

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Why meditate?

The master Omraam gave many original lectures on meditation and contemplation which I have found really useful in my own spiritual practice. The first one I am sharing focuses on the basic question of why we need to meditate if we want to make progress in our spiritual life: There are many different degrees to meditation. And we must understand that meditation is more than reflection. To meditate means to focus on a subject,  a quality or virtue, on something that you are either lacking, or wish to develop. But you will not have any desire to develop a particular …

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Miraculous powers of love- effective meditation

When first setting out in the spiritual life, most people encounter a first obstacle: they are unable to meditate because they do not know how to concentrate. Why? First, because they have not learned how to choose subjects for meditation; they throw themselves into it blindly, with no method. The first rule is to choose a subject of a spiritual nature, and the second, a subject that is something heartfelt. The love you have for a person or an object is what attaches you to him or it. When you do not love, you are, if I dare say so, …

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Meditation, contemplation, concentration

“Meditation is an activity of the mind- an attempt to deepen your understanding of spiritual truths. Contemplation, on the other hand, is an activity of the heart or soul- you dwell on an image, a quality or a virtue in order to rejoice in its light and beauty and be in communion with it. And on a higher level still, there is the magical activity of identification by which the will and the spirit identify with the creator in order to create. Some days you will feel inclined to work with the mind: to think and search and ponder, this is …

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A prayer of self-consecration

Tibetan monk and prayer flags

In this extract from ‘A New Earth’, the  master explains how an ardent, sincere prayer of self- consecration frees us from the control of our lower nature: “As we do not know what plans God has in mind for us, we must ask him to enlighten us, and if there are some still some dark areas that we do not understand, we need to implore him to take possession of us. We can say: ‘Lord, I still do not understand, but please do what needs to be done. Make me do your will, seize hold of me even without my …

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A method to unite with God in prayer

Bright light in space

It is not always easy to concentrate your mind in prayer and unite with God. So do not become discouraged and impatient. Instead, try to use the following method: imagine, far away in space, a living, vibrating centre emitting rays of light radiating in all directions to nourish the celestial entities and the many creatures in the universe. This image will direct your thoughts towards the place where the divine presence manifests itself most intensely and you will feel that your prayer is echoed. The initiates and great masters are in constant contact with this centre of light and their …

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Prayer at times of trouble

You will often have noticed how those people for whom prayer is a natural, spontaneous response are better equipped than others when faced with suffering and misfortune. Because they are able to struggle free from the darkness and heaviness of the earth and address the heavenly powers, they experience less bitterness and discouragement. Some of the trials we have to live through may be related to the collectivity and be impossible to avoid. Take war, for example: during a war, no one is spared one way or other. But those who pray, who call on the power of the spirit, …

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A global visualization for peace

You think it is not possible to bring light and peace to all the people on earth, as there are so many of them! Of course, if you look at it like that, you’re right. But when you know certain methods, it becomes possible. Try, for example, to imagine humanity as a single being. Yes, imagine the whole world as a being, next to you, and you are holding their hand and sending them lots of love. The tiny particles that spread out from your soul at that moment move off in all directions in space and spread to all …

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Sunrise meditation- swimming in the sea of life

In the morning you are there at the sunrise: a luminous sphere slowly emerges from the darkness, and its brilliance eventually fills the whole of space. Dive into the light, as if you were diving into a sea of vibrating, throbbing life… You will gradually feel you are swimming in it, merging with it, breathing it, drinking it. Let yourself be absorbed in the brightness, until your worries and cares eventually dissolve in it. When you have learned to merge with the light, it will be with you wherever you go. For this reason, you should also concentrate on the …

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Prayer and meditation- a precious moment with the One

Before you meditate or pray or watch the sunrise, say to yourself, ‘I am in purity, in the light, with my beloved Lord and my beloved divine Mother. This moment when I can communicate with them must be all that matters.’ Leave your baggage and burdens – be light and free when you go to meet the Divine and the splendours of nature. If you do so, you will find the solution to many of your inner problems and to situations that until now you have thought insoluble. If you are to see and understand and receive influences from the …

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Radiant and powerful as the sun…

Learn to rally your thoughts, your desires and even all the tendencies of your lower nature to fulfil a sublime ideal. The sun can help you achieve this task of unification and harmonization. As you watch it rise in the morning, imagine that your consciousness is drawing closer to your own sun – your spirit, your higher self – to merge with it. When you have succeeded in pacifying and bringing together all the opposing forces that pull you about, to project them in a single direction, toward the light and the divine, you will become such a centre of …

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Rise to attract radiant energies

From the earth to the stars, the whole universe obeys the law of hierarchy. This means that the coarsest and heaviest elements accumulate below, whereas the lightest and purest elements tend to rise. This is a physical law which is also found in the psychic realm. Disciples who understand this law strive to climb very high through meditation, contemplation and prayer in order to capture the subtlest particles of matter with which to build their spiritual bodies. And as these materials are linked to energies, to entities, the purer they are, the more vibrant and radiant the energies and entities …

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Light answers all questions

Anxiety and agitation produce the worst conditions for thinking, and so when you have an important problem to solve, you should begin by calming yourself. Create quiet within you, and try to rise up as high as you can, for light is found on high. When you feel you have reached a sort of summit, ask the question that is on your mind and wait… Of course, to begin with, the answer will come to you with varying degrees of clarity; it may be just a vague feeling that is difficult to put into words, but it will nevertheless give …

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Shared Video:Planetary heart meditation

I am re-blogging news of an amazingly positive initiative  by ‘Peace Troubadour’ James Twyman. He is organizing a 3 day synchronized meditation for peace. It is a great opportunity for us all to do something to counteract all the madness and violence in the world. As the master Omraam said- ‘Only light can overcome darkness’. Prayer is effective and millions of people praying at the same time for peace will unleash a tremendous power for good. Please join the meditation and spread the news. Update- this meditation is now past but you can connect with James through the links below …

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Daily Meditation for New Year's Day 2016

Hundreds of years ago a shepherd in the mountains, was absent-mindedly making a small furrow in the ground with his stick. But then came rain, snow, frost, wind, sun… and gradually the small furrow deepened and widened to become the bed of a torrent. This is only an image, but it shows us that the same phenomenon occurs with humans. Every thought, every feeling is like a furrow drawn in their own inner earth, and all psychic and spiritual forces operating in space contribute to digging and expanding it. A new year begins today… Is it not the time to …

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New Year's Eve Meditation

“Tomorrow a new year begins, and you can begin to make ready for it consciously by focusing on a goal: a quality you want to develop, a bad habit you want to lose, a project you want to carry out for the glory of God. With this thought, this wish, it is as if you are laying the first stone, and then all the luminous nature spirits will contribute their help, so that you can realize your divine plan. These should be your thoughts on this last day of the year. Unfortunately, you won’t meet many people concerned with such …

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Thoughts model matter

“You say you pray and meditate, but do you really know how to use your thoughts? Both within us and around us there exists a subtle but unorganized matter that has not yet been given form. Our thoughts have the power to shape this matter, and it is therefore up to us to work on it as we would with modelling clay, so that we become creators in the world of beauty, harmony and light. Everything we do, create and construct on the physical level is important, of course, but what we create with our mind is infinitely more important. …

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Prayer releases a higher power

“Initiatic Science regards the human being as a microcosm created in the image of the macrocosm, the universe. And since the Lord reigns from the highest point of the universe, in human beings there is also a peak representing the Lord – their higher self. So when you concentrate on the Lord to ask him to grant your wishes, you touch the highest point of your being, and very pure, subtle vibrations are released and spread through you, producing highly beneficial changes. And even if you do not receive from the Lord all that you asked for, you do gain …

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When you meditate….strive high

“When you meditate, strive to go very high inside yourself and then to remain that high for as long as possible. Going high and remaining there means never failing to be noble, fair and generous, which also implies knowing how to ‘come down’ to help your fellow brothers and sisters. Though you are living and working on the earth among human beings, you should avoid coming down inside yourself, that is to say, avoid giving way to lower tendencies or taking part in selfish, dishonest endeavours. Remaining up high does not mean imitating people who are haughty, unapproachable and hard, …

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A Meditation for Sunrise

Golden sunrise in the forest

How can you be made to understand that the sun is so much more than just a star shining in the sky?In the morning, when you see it appear and rise on the horizon, imagine that you rise with it. The vibrations of your entire being will gradually intensify. You will soon feel the sun enter you so deeply that you will no longer be able to distance yourself from it. Every element in your being will be exalted. You will feel projected into increasingly vast and luminous regions in space, you will discover truths that remained hidden to you …

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Learn to work with light- video

Learn to work with light, and you will understand that it is light that will bring you true riches. Thanks to light, even your relationships with those around you will improve. Why? Because when we live in abundance, we become generous and open to others. We feel the need to understand them and help them, and we are much less demanding and harsh with them. So make a habit of concentrating on light. Think that you are attracting it, introducing it into yourself, so that it fills your whole being with particles of the greatest purity. And when you feel that …

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Full moon meditation at Vesak

This year, the festival of Vesak (Wesak), celebrating the birthday of the Buddha, falls on Sunday, May 3rd. Although Vesak is not celebrated outwardly by master Omraam’s disciples in the same way that Christmas and Easter generally are, the festival of Vesak is still significant to us, as it is to all spiritual aspirants. Just as Easter always fulls on the first full moon of the Spring Equinox,  the exact hour of Vesac is always the time of the full moon in Taurus. This year, it’s at 4.42 am GMT, 8.42 pm PDT. When the moon is full in the …

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The secret of effective prayer

Prayer can be a silent outpouring of the heart or soul. But if it is to be really effective, it must be done in the three worlds – the mental, astral and the physical. Praying is not a matter of asking for anything and everything, depending on the impulses of the moment. The light of thought should first have its say; it must judge whether a request is worth formulating. Then, just as light is accompanied by warmth, so thought must be accompanied by a powerful feeling, which gives it life. Lastly, in order for there to be an effect …

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Only light disperses darkness: the power of prayer

Today I want to post some extracts as a spiritual response to the terrorist acts in Paris this week. So here is something from the master describing  methods to overcome the power of negative forces in the world. As he said, ‘Only light has the power to overcome darkness’. The first extract is about sending S O S signals to attract the aid of luminous spirits. We can do that through prayer and by focusing the mind on thoughts of light: The world is like a vast ocean in the dark of night, and you are like so many little …

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Uniting heart, mind and will

People are capable of overcoming all their inner conflicts and divisions if they have a divine ideal and cling to it come what may. If they nourish and cherish a sublime ideal, it will incarnate and materialize within them and take possession of them until it fills their whole being and they become this ideal. People without an ideal fritter away their energies and waste their lives. If you are not getting the results you hoped for it is because you have not yet fully committed the three faculties of heart, mind and will; you have not yet yoked them together in harmony… …

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New Year's Day Meditation

“Today is the beginning of a new year. And because the first twelve days of a year are related to all twelve months, do your best to live them as well as you can so as to give a solid foundation to the whole year. Tell yourself that there is not one of your thoughts, feelings or wishes that is without consequence. They are like seeds you sow in the soil of your soul, and these seeds will germinate. It is the earth’s vocation to help seeds to grow. Once they are sown, it feeds them, and water, air and …

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New Year’s Day Meditation

“Today is the beginning of a new year. And because the first twelve days of a year are related to all twelve months, do your best to live them as well as you can so as to give a solid foundation to the whole year. Tell yourself that there is not one of your thoughts, feelings or wishes that is without consequence. They are like seeds you sow in the soil of your soul, and these seeds will germinate. It is the earth’s vocation to help seeds to grow. Once they are sown, it feeds them, and water, air and …

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A single candle flame…

Just as a single drop of water is capable of putting you in touch with the ocean, a single candle flame is capable of putting you in touch with the sun, with cosmic fire, with the Holy Spirit, whose garment is light. Gaze at the flame until you feel that you are melting into it, that you yourself are becoming flame. Love it, talk to it, make friends with it. When you are discouraged, worried or unhappy, light a candle, and by means of its flame unite yourself to all that is fire in the universe. Remind yourself that the …

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Video lecture -why watch the sunrise?

Why look at the sunrise?

Editions Prosveta have a youtube channel with video lectures subtitled in English. It’s called Editions Prosveta English. This video describes the benefits of going to watch the sunrise.

I have made a video of beautiful sunrise photos with extracts from the master Omraam on the beauty and benefits of watching the sunrise :

In the First Light of Dawn


Drink light…

Each morning, from dawn onwards, the sun sends a profusion of specks of gold out into space, and we can fill our spirit,  soul, intellect, heart and also our physical body with these specks of gold. Our whole body, from our brain right down to our feet, can benefit from this gold…  There are different kinds of light. The kind our nervous system and our whole organism need the most is light from the sun before it rises.This is the most subtle, spiritual light, and it affects our psychic bodies. This is why, if we know how to look at the sun, something opens up in our solar plexus, and we begin to drink light. It is like a reservoir being filled with a precious quintessence. When the reservoir overflows, our only need is to share this elixir with all living creatures, and there is no greater joy than giving what we have received from the sun.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov  Daily Meditations

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