Thought for Advent- on the flame of the Spirit

Christmas Candles- Advent

As advent begins, Christians all over the world will be lighting candles, and gazing at their flames-beautiful symbols of the Holy Spirit and the Christ. So specially for this season, here is an extract from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov on the flame as a symbol of the divine spirit that lives within each of us: ‘A flame is something so fragile that the slightest breeze can extinguish it. But if you nourish a tiny flame it will become a great blaze, and the winds that once threatened its existence will fan it until it burns so fiercely that nothing can resist …

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Joy of angels at Christmas

Angel in golden light

In an initiatic school we see festivals as something quite different from occasions to have feasts, hang up decorations and spend a few pleasurable moments. Each person endeavours to contact energy currents in the subtle regions which will bring life and renewed vitality to their heart and soul. They also know that entities of light come to draw on elements from this atmosphere of joyful exchanges which they will then use for carrying out their work across the world. To help them in this work, each person entrusts to them their joy and all the spiritual riches that this festival …

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Meditation for Easter Sunday- what is resurrection?

pink blossom on tree branch

What is resurrection? It is the expression of a current of life passing through regions where illness and death had begun to set in physically or psychically. There are so many natural phenomena that can give us an idea of this process! Images of resurrection include not only the sprouting seed but also the chick hatching from its egg, particular animals waking from hibernation, the chrysalis transforming into a butterfly… And what about trees? They too come back to life in spring: all those black, bare branches become covered in leaves and flowers! That is also a resurrection. And why …

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The mystical meaning of Christmas

Why do we celebrate Christmas at the beginning of Winter? The reply can be found in the book of nature. All life begins as a seed, a seed buried in the darkness of the earth or deep within a woman’s womb. Winter is the season when, in the seeds planted in the earth, the long work of germination takes place; and this work ends in springtime, when a multitude of new existences burst into life. An identical work takes place in the psyche of each human being: in the dark earth, representing his lower nature, the seed of the divine …

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Birth of the Christ Light- Video

praying shepherd with lambs- stain glass

This extract from Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov forms part of the above video. In order for the Christ Child to be born, there must be a father and a mother: the father, Joseph, is the mind and the spirit; the mother, Mary, is the heart and the soul. The soul and heart represent the feminine, receptive principle, whereas the mind and spirit represent the masculine principle. When these two principles are pure, they prepare together the conditions for the Holy Spirit, the Universal Soul or Fire, to take possession of the soul of …

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Meditation for Christmas Eve, 2020

To celebrate Christmas is to prepare ourselves for the birth of the cosmic principle of Christ in our soul. For Christ, which is a cosmic principle, can be born within us just as it was born within Jesus.The birth of Jesus was undoubtedly an historic event of the utmost importance, but it was not necessary to insist so much on this event with the belief that it changed the course of history: the birth of a human being at one point in time does not change very much. If it was enough for Jesus to have been born two thousand …

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Christmas Day Meditation 2021

“The birth of Jesus was a historical event of major importance. But if all that was needed was for Jesus to be born two thousand years ago, why has the kingdom of God not yet come on earth? Wars, misfortunes, illness – all that should have disappeared… True disciples know that the Christ is born into the world on Christmas eve in the form of light, warmth and life, and they prepare the right conditions for the divine Child to also be born within themselves. Yes, we can read the story of the birth of Jesus and sing  ‘The Christ …

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Summer Solstice: Secrets of Alchemy and Sublimation

“The traditional literature of all countries contains innumerable legends and accounts of mythological battles between the forces of light and darkness. On about June 21, with the Summer Solstice, we enter the period in which light triumphs over darkness, and a few days later on June 24th, we celebrate the feast of St John the Baptist. On that date it is customary to light fires that burn all night. The Summer Solstice is ruled by the Archangel Uriel who is an archangel of light: his name means ‘God is my light’. The feast of St John coincides with the moment …

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Christmas- the birth of a new consciousness

“At Christmas, we celebrate the union of the soul and spirit. They unite to give birth to a seed which is the beginning of a new consciousness within us. This consciousness manifests as an inner light that dispels all darkness…as heat of such intensity that, even if the whole world abandons us, we never feel alone…as an abundant life that bursts forth wherever our feet take us. This consciousness is also accompanied by an influx of forces that we wish to consecrate to the edification and construction of the Kingdom of God, and at the same time by the extraordinary …

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Mary and the Christ Child

“In his telling of the birth of Jesus, St Luke revealed the events that take place in the soul of every human being in the form of images. It is these symbolic images that I want to show you now. For the Christ Child to be born there must be parents, a father and a mother: the father, Joseph, is the mind, the spirit; the mother, Mary, is the heart, the soul. When the heart and soul are pure, then the Christ child is born, not of the mind and spirit, but of the Universal Soul, the Holy Spirit, in …

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One night in Bethlehem- a meditation for Christmas Eve

I have been thinking about why, out of all the angelic hierarchies, it was the archangel Gabriel that gave the good news to the shepherds. And why were the shepherds the first to hear the news? According to the master and the Jewish  Kabbala, Gabriel is the archangel governing the sephira Yesod. This sephira is linked to the moon and to the materialization of subtle energies, which is why it is also active in the germination of seeds and in child birth- the bringing of new life. Yesod is called ‘the foundation’ because it represents the essential  work of inner …

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Autumn and the Festival of St Michael

“The Archangel Mikhael presides over the Autumn Equinox which occurs on September 22nd. On this day, the sun inaugurates a new cycle as it enters Libra. Fruit and nuts fall from the trees and decompose, leaving their empty husks on the ground; grains are sorted and consumed or stored before being sown to ensure a new cycle of growth. But this process of decomposition and sorting is not something that concerns only the world of plants; it also concerns human beings. Just as the fruit separates from the tree and the seed or stone separates from the fruit, so the …

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Autumn gold

Why do alchemists describe the transformation of matter in the Great Work as a sequence of colours? Because they have observed this sequence in the world of vegetation. Think of fruit trees, for example: except for some nuances – for nature is rich in variety – they pass through a series of colours, and always in the same order. In winter, the trees are black and bare. In spring, they become white with flowers and green with leaves. Then comes summer, and the ripening fruits turn yellow and red. In autumn the foliage turns red and gold, and with red …

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Good Friday-sacrifice and the beauty of the new life

By accepting to die on the cross, Jesus made a sacrifice, and we must meditate on this in order to measure the grandeur of it, and to link ourselves to it through thought. But in the new life which the Christ is now proposing, it is not recommended that we dwell on the suffering of the cross, because the Christ also manifests through beauty, joy and light. In the new society, it is thoughts of the glory of Christ that must nourish our inner life. Heaven rejoices that we no longer kiss the ground and kneel beside graves, because there …

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Easter- the mystery of death and rebirth

‘If you do not die, you shall not live’, said Jesus. The idea of resurrection, then, is linked with death and disintegration. If the seed does not die, it prevents the manifestation of the power of life buried in it. In a human being, it is the lower self that must die to leave room for the Spirit, the divine principle, which is then free to act and transform everything… The secret of the resurrection is before our eyes in Nature, waiting for us to understand it and decide to die consciously so as to become a new being…… ‘If …

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Easter and the living book of nature

Christmas and Easter – the birth of Jesus which is celebrated in the beginning of winter, and his resurrection which is celebrated in the spring – represent two pages in the great Book of Nature. This idea may offend many Christians, but instead of being offended, it would be better to reflect on it. Those who fixed the dates of these feast days long ago were beings who possessed great knowledge of the relationship between nature and the human soul. They had meditated profoundly on the life of Jesus and his teaching and had understood that in his identification with …

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Why is fire so beautiful?

“You have all watched a wood fire blazing in a hearth, but have you ever wondered exactly what happens to make all those dead, dark, twisted logs and branches so bright and beautiful? Isn’t it miraculous to see something that was so black being transformed into something so luminous? But you can do the same: whether you are at home in front of your own fireplace, or here, gathered round the Michaelmas fire at the Bonfin, you can use your imagination to burn your own dead branches- that is, all the instinctive tendencies of your animal nature. All that useless dead …

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Meditation for Easter

Chick and flowers

We don’t have to wait until the end of time to leave our tombs and rise again. To resurrect we must simply work on ourselves everyday in order to overcome our weaknesses. This work has an effect on the cells in our body- it purifies, enlightens and vivifies them. Increasingly intense vibrations are gradually communicated to all our cells and prepare our resurrection. If only humans knew the number of tombs they have within them. These tombs are all the cells they must regenerate by learning how to nourish themselves with elements of spiritual life. And so, one by one, …

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Daily Meditation for Christmas Day 2018

Baby Jesus in golden star

Creation is the work of the masculine principle and the feminine principle. As soon as these two opposing and complementary poles find themselves in each other’s presence they set to work to create. And because this law applies in all the regions of the universe, it also governs the behaviour of human beings. From the moment a man and a woman meet, he becomes active and dynamic, whereas she becomes receptive. But there are obviously exceptions. Initiates, who have gone much deeper into the understanding of all natural phenomena, have learnt to use this law of polarisation in spiritual life. …

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Daily Meditation for Christmas Day

Mary and Jesus icon

What do we celebrate at Christmas? The union of the soul and spirit. They unite to give birth to a seed which is the beginning of a new consciousness within us. This consciousness manifests as an inner light that dispels all darkness, just like heat of such intensity that, even if the whole world abandons us, we never feel alone, like an abundant life that bursts forth wherever our feet take us. This consciousness is also accompanied by an influx of energies that we wish to consecrate to the edification and construction of the kingdom of God. At the same …

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Daily Meditation for Christmas Eve

Christmas star

In their psychic and spiritual lives, human beings are not uniquely men or women as they are on the physical plane. The mystic who contemplates divinity is like a woman who wants to receive a spark, a seed from God. He devotes himself to the light of God; he opens himself to it, changes polarity and then receives this seed in his soul. He carries it within him for a long time in order to give birth in the world to a divine child. In the spiritual realm, a man, like a woman, can conceive and give birth to a …

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The bread and wine of the last supper

Christians know that the communion bread and wine represent the body and the blood of Christ, but few of them have looked into these symbols, which correspond to the two great cosmic principles – the masculine (bread) and the feminine (wine) – at work in all regions of the universe. Bread and wine are two solar symbols. We must look beyond the bread and wine of the Last Supper and see the sun’s two properties of light and warmth, which bring about life. The light of the sun is wisdom, and its warmth is love. That is what Jesus was …

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Spirit in blossom

The descent of the spirit into a human being is comparable to the arrival of spring, which allows a tree to manifest all the riches it bears within it. Roots, a trunk, and branches are not sufficient: a tree is only truly a tree when – having been worked on by the universal spirit – it begins to produce leaves, flowers, and fruits. It is the same for human beings. We possess a stomach, lungs, and a brain, but is this sufficient to call ourselves fully developed beings? No, like the roots, trunk, and branches, of a tree, our organs …

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Daily Meditation for Christmas Day

Each year on December 25th, Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, and in every church a crib is set up. The child is there, lying on the straw; Mary and Joseph watch over him, and an ass and an ox, too. The ox and ass are never left out! But these two animals are symbols that have to be interpreted; they correspond to processes that take place in human beings. The stable is the physical body and the ox is sexual energy. As for the ass, it represents what tradition calls ‘the old Adam’, self-centred, stubborn and obstinate, but nevertheless …

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When Christ is born in a soul

Even if what is written in the Gospels on the subject of Jesus’ birth didn’t correspond to historical reality, it is absolutely true from the symbolic and esoteric point of view, and this is what is important for us. When the Christ child is born in the soul of the disciple, the celestial spirits place themselves in his service, for he is a royal child, and all heaven comes to admire him and bring him what he needs. Whether or not a star, angels, shepherds and a manger with an ass and ox really existed does not matter; from a …

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The moon, the divine feminine and the child of light

A birth is none other than a transition from the invisible to the visible, from the immaterial to the material, from thought to manifestation. In our body, it is the moon, the archetype of the feminine, that presides over all forms of incarnation. In winter, the period during which the nights are longest and the life of nature slows down, conditions are less favourable for outward manifestation but more favourable, on the other hand, for inner life: human beings feel the urge to go within themselves to prepare the birth of the child of light, which is represented in some …

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Summer Solstice Meditation- sunrise and the elixir of eternal life

In Greece it is referred to as ambrosia, in India soma, and alchemists call it the elixir of eternal life… All cultures make mention of the existence of a beverage of immortality and some even explain how to prepare it. In reality this beverage exists in nature, but not just anywhere of course. It is found only in the most subtle and purest regions of space and only at specific moments, such as sunrise. Dawn is the best time of the day, because the true beverage of immortality is light, and you can capture it in the morning at sunrise …

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Meditation for Easter Sunday

A seed that’s been placed in the earth can be compared to a creature imprisoned in a tomb. When the angel of warmth comes, he wakes the creature, saying, ‘Go on, get up now, come out of the tomb!’ And then the life that was buried begins to stir: a little stem divides the seed in two, giving birth to a shoot that one day will become a magnificent tree. That is resurrection. Before resurrection is possible, the tomb must be opened, and tombs are opened only by warmth. And warmth is love. Those who have a lot of love …

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Symbolism of the star and the three gifts

This light, this star that shone over the stable at Bethlehem means that every initiate in whom the living Christ is present, radiates light; a light that soothes, nourishes and comforts, a light that heals, purifies and gives life. And one day this light is seen from afar by others and they realize that something very special is manifesting itself through this being, and this ‘something’ is the Christ. This light that is represented by a star with five points is an absolute reality: it shines above the head of every initiate whose feminine principle (that is, whose heart and soul) has given birth to the Christ child, …

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