The magical powers of music

“While you listen to music, learn to work with it; use it to form a mental picture of all the things you wish for. You want so many things- and yet you do nothing to get them! Music gives you all possibilities and the very best conditions, for it creates an atmosphere that is like a strong wind filling your sails and driving your ship on towards a new world. Music is a powerful aid in making things come true. Instead of letting your mind wander aimlessly, fix it firmly on the most ardent  desires of your heart. If it …

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Attuned to heavenly harmony

“Listening to an orchestra play or a choir sing could be an encouragement for people to reflect on the harmony that should reign between them. Unfortunately, even after a magnificent concert during which they have all resonated as one, they won’t think to do anything that would allow them to continue to live in this harmony and beauty. Disharmony is the most widespread state in the world, so widespread that even religions and spiritual movements are still full of confrontation. Not only are they opposed to one another, but within each religion and spiritual movement there are the same misunderstandings …

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Divinely inspired music- Ludwig van Beethoven

“I love Chopin a lot. Paganini also. And of course Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Berlioz.  The most important thing for me is to sense a language in the music. I love music which speaks, which expresses something. Listen to Chopin, how expressive his music is! There is language there, every notes speaks to us. And, of course, he is not the only one…. Nowadays you meet fewer and fewer truly inspired artists, these true artists who first seek to elevate themselves in order to contemplate the beauty of the world above so as to reproduce it in their art. In …

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Music is the breathing of the soul

Everything in nature sings and vibrates: all creatures emit vibrations which are diffused around them in the form of musical waves. This is why it is true to say that everything in nature is music. There is music in a rushing stream, in the murmur of a spring, in the patter of raindrops, in the roar of a cataract and the ceaseless ebb and flow of the ocean waves. There is music in the voice of the wind, in the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birdsong. And the music of nature constantly arouses and stimulates the musical element …

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