Video: The Spring Equinox- time to rejuvenate!

A lovely child with apple blossom

For the spiritually awakened, this period of the Spring Equinox is most important. We must use it as a time of purification, of regeneration. It is not enough to notice that the birds are singing, flowers are appearing above the ground and people are more cheerful than usual. There is important work to be done- the work of renewal. Can you see that a tremendous event is taking place all around you? Yes, you can feel that a new wave from the cosmic ocean is breaking and in a short while the whole earth will be newly arrayed with flowers, …

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From dinosaur to bird- how to take flight

An eagle flying towards golden sun

In this text from the books of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, he talks about how birds can inspire us to overcome the anxieties that weigh us down. They know how to take flight when faced with danger. We can escape psychic dangers such as depression and anxiety by taking refuge in prayer meditation, music and other spiritual methods. The text is used in the video From dinosaur to bird, an evolution towards flight which you can view on Youtube Unbelievable as it may sound, dinosaurs are the ancestors of birds. How can we interpret this evolution. Perhaps among these reptiles there …

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The love of trees – video transcript

tree with golden rays of light shining through branches

I have published a new video called ‘The Love of Trees, a walk through the woods with Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.’ It centres around a beautifully moving text where the master talks very intimately about his love for trees and why he always tries to visit a forest whenever he travels to a new country. Unfortunately, many human beings greatly under-estimate the role played by trees for our life on earth. As someone who has always been a tree lover, it is wonderful to read words of a master praising them and the invisible beings that animate them so eloquently. Here’s …

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Nature’s Universal Language-video text

Sun rising over mountains

If you want to communicate with nature, the very least you can do is to accept the idea that she is alive and intelligent. Most human beings behave as though nature were dead, and the result is that their own inner life vibrates less powerfully and with less intensity and their God-given faculties of perception and sensation are gradually paralysed. ‘What is the point’, they ask, ‘of trying to communicate with rocks, plants or the sun? They’re not alive.’ With this attitude they dull the edge of their own faculties and put themselves in a straight-jacket of their own making. …

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Video- Nature has a heart…the oceans

sun rising over calm ocean

We have a heart, but nature also has a heart, or at least the equivalent of our heart – the oceans. Nature offers its heart, it exposes it to the sun’s rays and says: ‘My Lord, I give you my heart, my blood. Use it so that plants, animals and human beings may all live in plenty.’The sun takes some of this blood and raises it up to fill it with spiritual gifts. And when this blood falls to earth as rain, all beings receive its blessings. Every day, spiritualists repeat this gift of the ocean to the sun. Every …

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This quote on the wonderful forces of renewal that are available to us at Springtime is part of the text in the video published here: You are waiting for me to speak to you…but Nature has already said it all!  Can you see that a tremendous event is taking place all around you? Yes, you can feel that a new wave from the cosmic ocean is breaking and in a short while the whole earth will be newly arrayed with flowers, trees and birds. What splendid attire! It is the most extraordinary phenomenon of life, this regeneration and renewal…For the …

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Tune to the harmony and peace of nature

Pink rose close-up

If you want invisible beings to visit your soul and to help, protect and transform you, then strive to create a pure atmosphere free of all disharmony. It is only in the midst of love, beauty, purity and light that great changes can take place within you.When you are in a forest, near a spring or by a lake, be still for a while; let the silence, freshness and purity penetrate you. And as you listen to the water and the birds sing, when you hear the rustling of leaves and gaze at the stars in the night sky, abandon …

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God of mountains- on prayer and mountain summits

Woman looking at mountain range

In order to escape from the dust of the mind and the mists of the heart, we have to rise above the astral and mental planes and reach the casual plane. This is why, in your meditations and prayers, you should always try to rise, to rise very high, as high as possible. In fact, why not use your imagination and picture yourself scaling a mountain?  The picture in your mind will lead you to another mountain, the one inside you, and when you reach the top, the casual plane, you will find so many more ways open to you …

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Love is a spring- video text

river scene with rocks

A mountain spring bubbles from the ground and begins to flow. I love to sit by it and listen to its murmur. I watch it flow, I even talk to it and then I think of God who is the true spring, the source of all life. I remember that in human beings – created in his image – there is also a spring, buried deep inside them, waiting to bubble up and flow when the conditions are right. A spring always remains pure, it remains alive because it never ceases to flow not even for a second. Even if …

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Meditation for Springtime

You received so much this morning at sunrise, what is there left to add? I am here to interpret certain phenomena, to explain things to you, that is all…for the rest you must address yourself to the sun. Look at the work he does on all the little seeds that were fast asleep! He says, ‘What are you waiting for? It is time to give! Come on, get to work!’  ‘But we are too weak!’ ‘No,no. come on try! You will see, I will help you’, and the tiny seeds take courage. each day the sun warms them, caresses them, …

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The whirlpool- how to set the world in motion

whirlpool by rock

You are standing on the seashore creating a little whirlpool as you twirl a stick round and round in the water: gradually twigs, scraps of paper and bits of cork begin to spin in the current. If you persevere, there will soon be small boats then big ships and finally the whole world will be caught up in the movement. The etheric ocean in which we are immersed is like this liquid ocean, and by means of our thoughts, we are able to set the whole world in motion – provided that we never stop. But as we do not practise, …

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The whole of nature is alive…

“When initiates open their door in the morning, before doing anything else, they salute nature: the trees, the sky, and the sun, the day itself and the whole of creation. You will wonder why they do that and the answer is – that is how they put themselves in direct contact with the source of life. Yes, for nature responds to their greeting… How often have I gone out into my garden in the morning and greeted the angels of the four elements, the angels of fire, air, water and earth, and even the gnomes, nymphs, sylphs and salamanders. And …

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The lightness of a warm, dilated heart

Hot air balloon above mountains

Perhaps you have never travelled in a hot-air balloon, but you know that what enables it to rise in the sky is the heat produced by the combustion of a gas, which inflates the canvas and makes the balloon lighter than air. The same is true in the spiritual life: to rise higher we must become light and dilated and, in order to become dilated, we must heat something within us. It is the warmth of love that inflates the heart and renders it so light that it begins to rise like a balloon. You see, in order to move …

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The Lotus within- symbolism of leaves, flowers and fruits

A human being represents a tree with its roots, trunk, branches, leaves, flowers and fruit. All people have roots, a trunk and branches but very few receive the kiss of spring: most of them are barren. They bear no fruit nor flowers nor even leaves: they are mournful winter trees, black and stark. And yet every single human being has a lotus blossom within him But it takes a great deal of work and understanding as well as the sacrifice of a great deal of time to induce these flowers to bloom, to perfume the air with their fragrance and …

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Making conscious exchanges with nature


Nature is the great book which we need to learn to decipher. It is the cosmic powerhouse to which we must be connected. But how can we make that connection? It is very simple: the secret is love. If we love nature we shall find a great force welling up in us. This is the force of love and it is a spring which, in its flowing, washes away all impurities. The waters flowing from the spring of love open up the clogged channels within us and release that marvellous exchange which brings us the elixir of everlasting life. Gradually, …

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Nature sends us messages all the time

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov with pine trees

An initiate does not speak only with words; his language can be compared to that of nature. What does nature do? It sends us messages all the time. It does not use words, and yet it speaks to us: the sun, stars, forests, lakes, oceans, and mountains speak to us by constantly communicating something of their life and their secrets. These communications are recorded within us, but we are not conscious of them. Yet, it is thanks to them that little by little our sensitivity is enriched and our understanding enhanced. We do not know how this understanding comes about, …

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A tree is a living being

You have a tree in your garden: you can pass it several times a day without paying it any attention, as if it were a piece of stage set made from plaster or cardboard. But you can also be conscious that it is a living being, and you can even approach it, greet it, talk to it, and absorb what it represents. You may say, ‘Greet a tree, talk to it, what good can that do?’ Of course, physically and materially, this changes nothing. But, on the subtle planes, the tree is enriched by your presence and, at the same …

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The voice of flowers

We see roses everywhere, and we give them as gifts, but what is their true significance? Once they have been placed in a vase, we barely notice them or their fragrance when we pass them. However a rose becomes more alive if we look at it with an enlightened consciousness; a contact is established, and you sense that a splendid being lives in this flower and that it speaks to you. Some will say that it is not possible, that we only read this kind of thing in fairy tales. They will never hear the voice of flowers. In fact …

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Repaying our debt to Nature

We are indebted to nature for all that she gives us: air, water, heat, sunshine, etc. And as we cannot pay off this debt with money, we are going to have to pay it in the currency of love, gratitude, and respect, and with our readiness to study everything that is written in Nature’s living book. We also pay off some of that debt when we help other creatures; when we pass on some warmth and light to them. We cannot pay for the air we breathe with air, nor for the water we drink with water. But what we …

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Problems to pearls

If you know how to observe nature, you will see that it continuously offers us ways to solve our problems. For example, how does an oyster make a pearl? First of all, a grain of sand falls into its shell, and this grain of sand is a problem, an irritant. ‘Oh’, says the oyster, ‘how can I get rid of this? It is scratching me, it irritates me, what can I do?’ It begins to think, it concentrates, it meditates! And one day it begins to secrete a special substance that envelops this irritating grain of sand in such a …

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Symbolism of bees and honey

Bees draw nectar, a sugary liquid, from flowers, and from it they then make a delicious food – honey. In symbolic terms, this is what initiates do. Just as bees draw the nectar from flowers without ever damaging them, so initiates come to human beings to collect only their most spiritual quintessences. From these they prepare a delicious, fragrant food within their heart and soul, using their alchemical knowledge. So the bee is one of the symbols for the initiate. In each human soul, even those of the most deprived, initiates will always be able to find a divine quintessence. …

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Rivers and reincarnation

Rivers have their source in the mountains and, regardless of obstacles in their way, they always end up reaching the sea. But soon, their water, warmed by the sun’s rays, is transformed into vapour and continues its journey into the sky, until one day it falls again in the form of rain or snow. We can interpret this voyage of water symbolically. Human destiny resembles the perpetual movements of water between heaven and earth, between earth and heaven. Like drops of water, souls descend to earth, each in a predetermined location. From there they have an entire road to travel …

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Nature has a heart- the oceans

We have a heart, but nature also has a heart, or more exactly the equivalent of our heart – the oceans. Nature offers its heart, it exposes it to the sun and says: ‘My Lord, I give you my heart, my blood. Use it so that plants, animals and human beings may live in plenty.’ The sun takes some of this blood and raises it up to fill it with spiritual gifts. So when this blood goes back down to earth, all beings will benefit from it and rejoice. Every day initiates repeat this gift of the ocean to the …

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Despair and regeneration -the healing forces of nature

Today’s Daily Meditation from Omraam Mikhael touches on something I have experienced many times in my life: how the small, seemingly insignificant, things we notice in the natural world can have a profound affect on our inner life- even healing states of depression and despair: “A friend told me that one day when he was feeling in despair, he went walking in the countryside. At one point he sat down on a rock, and there in a tiny crack he saw a few blades of grass. He looked at them for a long time, wondering how they had been able …

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Mountain summits

“When we see high mountain peaks from a great distance, we instinctively sense that mountains represent a link between earth and heaven, both physically, of course, and even more so spiritually. A great wisdom presided at the formation of the mountains, and where they are situated is never due to chance. Each one is assigned a definite function, which is why they all differ in shape, mass and height. Their peaks rise up like antennae intended for emitting and picking up waves of different frequencies. Each peak therefore creates particular conditions, which can support the activity of our soul and …

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Tall trees- growing through the difficulties

“You always tend to view difficulties as obstacles. In reality, it is often when faced with difficult conditions that we have the greatest possibility for growth, precisely because we find ourselves in a tight situation. Look at how the trees in a forest solve this problem. In a forest, all the trees are so closely packed together that, if one of them wants to spread out, the others prevent it from doing so. So the tree says to itself, ‘These are not the best conditions for my development, but I am going to find a solution’, and it pushes upwards. …

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New moon and new beginnings

As you know, the lunar cycle lasts about one month: the moon waxes for fourteen days and wanes for another fourteen, and this alternation affects and changes many things in nature and in human beings. We can say that the period of the waxing moon is a time for activity, whereas, on the contrary, when it is on the wane, the emphasis is on somnolence, oblivion and rest. Those who do not know that these natural rhythms exist might be worried by the changes that they feel in themselves while the moon is on the wane. There is no need …

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Speaking nature’s language

If you want to communicate with nature, the very least you can do is to accept the idea that she is alive and intelligent. Most human beings behave as though nature were dead, and the result is that their own inner life vibrates less powerfully and with less intensity and their God-given faculties of perception and sensation are gradually paralysed. ‘What is the point’, they ask, ‘of trying to communicate with rocks, plants or the sun? They’re not alive.’ With this attitude they dull the edge of their own faculties and put themselves in a straight-jacket of their own making. …

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Messages from birds

“Be like a bird: a bird has a tiny little body, weak and light, a little beak but it also has wings to fly freely through the air. A bird has no ambition to enter into competition with a wild animal. It is content with what it has received from the creator; the gifts of song and freedom of movement. Just like birds, true sons and daughters of God do not want to hack their way through the jungle of the world in pursuit of position or power. Their only aspiration is to fly each day into the vast expanse …

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Video:The secret life of trees

The master loved to visit forests wherever he travelled. While on a trip to the Highlands of Scotland he was deeply moved by what emanated from the trees there- he called Scotland a blessed country because of the pure presence of those trees. I recently found a text where he speaks of the unknown, spiritual side of trees and I have used it for this video. The secret life of treesWatch this video on YouTube Here is an extract from the Daily Meditations of 23rd September, which speaks of the invisible inhabitants of silence. It was taken from the book, ‘The …

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