Love blossoms in purity and light- a video for Valentine’s day

Loving couple with view of the sea

With Valentine’s day approaching, I have published a Youtube short with some selected quotes from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov on romantic love between couples. He talks about the hidden sources of love, the blessings that love is capable of bringing to our lives and the best ways to preserve it. The short quotes are published below the video. The music is from Primavera by Ludovico Einaudi. Love is inspired by something subtle and invisible. A special glance, a second of silence, a smile in which the soul is expressed is worth  more than any physical expression or gift.  Love bestows every blessing: …

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Creative Power of a Mother’s Love- video

Creative power of a mother's love

This video, with extracts offering advice from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, is for new mothers and those expecting a baby. ‘If you are expecting a baby, it’s important you’re aware of the power you have to influence this child…even before it is born. For, in its mother’s womb, a child is already a being endowed with consciousness of a kind. So the mother can relate with her child and have an influence over it. It is not enough to love your child before its birth, you must learn how to use the power of this love. By thinking of her child, …

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The deer in the heart- Anahata chakra

A few months ago I was meditating in the Ashdown forest with some others disciples of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. It was just before dawn, I was waiting for the sun to rise when I noticed a couple of deer a few metres away.  It was a magical experience- I stayed absolutely still and watched them from a distance. They stared back at me for several seconds before taking off in leaps through the trees. I felt  there had been some sort of communication between us. A few weeks later I was walking alone in the forest and again I saw …

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Mystery of the Rose-The Path of True Love

pink rose bush

In extracts of the video below, the master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov speaks of how a single rose, or even a petal can lead us on the path of true love- a love that is pure, subtle and luminous. By gazing at a rose we are linked to the Sephira Netzach on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, a spiritual region of love, tenderness and beauty, associated with the planet Venus. The video is composed of several Daily Meditations on the theme of roses- This is one of them: According to one tradition, roses are entities, which come from the planet Venus …

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Love is a spring- video text

river scene with rocks

A mountain spring bubbles from the ground and begins to flow. I love to sit by it and listen to its murmur. I watch it flow, I even talk to it and then I think of God who is the true spring, the source of all life. I remember that in human beings – created in his image – there is also a spring, buried deep inside them, waiting to bubble up and flow when the conditions are right. A spring always remains pure, it remains alive because it never ceases to flow not even for a second. Even if …

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Finding a soul mate- the evolution of sexuality

gazing gazing into each others eyes

This longer extract is related to the post ‘Meeting of souls-making love last’ and in it the master explains what we have to do in order to experience this divine form of love, the true meeting of Soul and Spirit. He outlines a whole process of spiritual evolution- from the  “male” and “female”  stage when we are driven solely by the biological need to satisfy our instincts, through the “brother and sister” stage where we begin to treat each other with much greater delicacy and respect. Eventually, we become capable of achieving the fusion of our souls and spirits in …

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Video-Love’s subtle exchanges

young couple gazing into each other's eyes with love

This is the full text of the video with extracts from Love and Sexuality and The Wellsprings of Eternal Joy by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. The video is published on this site. Or you can view it on the YouTube channel. “Sometimes you meet a being to whom you feel immediately attracted. This person is like a vase filled with a precious essence that plunges you into a state of wonder. They inspire you, broaden your horizons and reveal the beauty of heaven and earth to you. Thank the Lord for having met this person, and if you want your …

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Divine love – the greatest power there is

The Master Peter Deunov used to say, ‘If you nurture within yourself the idea of love in its most sublime form, you receive help from thousands upon thousands of loving souls, for love implies the collective work of a multitude of souls joined together by the idea of love. Divine love is the greatest power there is. Never doubt this truth, if you wish the souls working in its name to always remain close to you.’ These words deserve to be meditated upon, chewed over and digested, for they open up amazing horizons for us. Once we have arrived at …

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What does divine love feel like?

“The aim of spiritual life is to lead us to a higher state of consciousness we call divine love. For true love, the kind that draws us closer to God, is a state of consciousness. It is impossible to describe it, nor can it be explained to those who are not ready to experience it; all we can do is try to lead them to it gradually. Those who attain this state of consciousness feel inwardly linked to the whole universe. They are then like an instrument, the cords of which vibrate in unison with all that exists. They are …

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Let all around us be peace, love

Waterfall and flowing stream

Let the spring of love flow within you. Through your thoughts, your feelings, your wishes, your words, let it gush forth over all the creatures and objects around you and beyond, on the trees, the mountains, the oceans. Even if you are by yourself, remember to utter words of peace, of hope and of joy for all human beings on earth, knowing that these words will have an effect somewhere, no matter where. You do not yet know what it is possible to achieve with love. And since we can only give to others what we possess ourselves, try first …

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Love is a state of consciousness

Butterfly in blue sky

The higher form of love is a state of consciousness in which all beings must learn to live one day. This state of consciousness cannot be described, nor can it be explained to someone who is not ready to live it; all that can be done is to try to lead them there gradually. This state of consciousness allows a person to feel inwardly connected with the universe; they are then like an instrument vibrating in unison with all that exists, they feel a profound sense of peace and, above all, tremendous goodwill towards all beings. They do not know …

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The mystery of love-who are you, who am I?

close up of woman's beautiful eyes

Love- there is nothing that human beings need more, but there is also nothing that causes them so much doubt and confusion. One day, a young man came to visit me: he told me he was engaged to be married, he loved his fiancee and he was sure that she loved him back, but in spite of that he still asked himself certain questions. He had difficulty putting what he felt into words but in the end he said, ‘When I gaze into my fiancee’s eyes, I don’t really know who I’m looking at, and I don’t know who it …

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Love, Venus and Roses

“Whenever you admire the blooms on a rose bush, remember you are standing before living creatures, descended from the planet Venus. You may ask how roses could possibly originate from Venus, given that conditions on that planet are not hospitable to life… That’s true but for initiatic science the planets are not just the physical, material bodies studied by astronomy;  for initiatic science, the planets are passage ways, they are intermediaries between cosmic currents and the earth. Through the intermediary of the planets, the earth receives currents and influences of which God is the distant source. That is why, since …

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Looking for love…..

You are looking for love, and you believe it will come to you from outside, in the form of a being who will be exactly the way you expect them to be: pleasant, good-looking, generous, patient… perfect! Although you yourself are grumpy, selfish, quick-tempered, love must show itself in the form of an angel! Well, no, that is not how things happen. The love you attract will be a reflection of yourself. You could hold an angel or archangel in your arms, but if you have not opened yourself up to the divine world, you would feel nothing of their …

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Love is a force that opens up great possibilities

At one time or another you have met a man or a woman who has inspired in you a deep feeling of affection. Did you notice the transformations that this feeling alone produced within you? Suddenly you began to think and behave differently, not only towards this person, but with everyone around you. Even your relationship with nature and objects changed. So many things that you did not see or feel before begin to reveal themselves to you, encouraging you to pursue other interests! Because love is a force and this force acts on you, it influences your mind, your …

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Why do we fall in love?

Loving asian couple

Most men and women don’t know what it is that attracts them to one another. They are aware of an attraction but unaware of what gives rise to it. It isn’t people’s youth, beauty, wealth or power that inspires love. These assets may motivate some people to spend time with a person, but what they are experiencing isn’t real love, for if this person loses one or another of these external advantages, the others will abandon him or her in no time. What is the origin, then, of this attraction that gives rise to love? Two entities, two energies, encounter …

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Twin Souls

Every human being possesses a twin soul.  When the first human being leaped like a flame, a spark, from the bosom of his creator, he was two in one and each of his two halves was the perfect complement of the other. Later, these two halves became separated, each of them taking a different direction and evolving in its own way. During the course of their evolution they sometimes meet and, if they recognize each other, it is because each carries the image of the other in the depths of his being; each has put his seal on the other. …

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Be careful who you love

Rockery waterfall with flowers

Here is a short passage from the master on the importance of loving wisely: ‘So many people carelessly attach themselves to men and women who cut them off from the spiritual world. When near such people, they forget prayer, meditation, study and they even lose their good qualities. On the pretext of loving them, they accept to be influenced without perceiving the abyss they will soon be plunging into. They have no discernment, no criteria. I am not against associations, friendships, love and marriage, but I must warn you. Don’t become attached to someone who does not help you get …

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Protect your blossoming love

Nothing is more poetic than the beginning of a love affair. A man and a woman meet, they smile at each other, exchange a few words or notice each other from afar and suddenly they feel inspired and become poetical within. But as soon as this love becomes physical, their feelings of wonder start to fade. How many people have noticed this! Yes, they have noticed it, but they do not draw any lessons from it: they make no effort to protect their blossoming love by remaining in the subtle regions for as long as possible. Through curiosity and greed, men and women seek to go out immediately and explore the terrain, and even what lies beneath! Then, of course, things are no longer the same. They do not appreciate each other in the same way and are no longer in wonder, one for the other, as they know each other too well in situations which were not always the most attractive. Why do they not try to keep a certain distance between them so as to live as long as possible in the world of beauty, poetry, and light?

Nothing is more poetic than the beginning of a love affair. A man and a woman meet, they smile at each other, exchange a few words or notice each other from afar and suddenly they feel inspired and become poetical within. But as soon as this love becomes physical, their feelings of wonder start to fade. How many people have noticed this! Yes, they have noticed it, but they do not draw any lessons from it: they make no effort to protect their blossoming love by remaining in the subtle regions for as long as possible. Through curiosity and greed, …

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How to find a soul mate

loving couple by lake and mountains

You are all seeking the love of a being that many people call the soul mate. Well, if you want to find your soul mate, above all, do not look for them. Concern yourself only with living a pure, intense, and luminous life. Simply live this life and let it take its course; it is this that will attract your soul mate to you. You do not yet know what such a life can do to bring you the beings who have an affinity with you. One day you will say, ‘I did not seek my soul mate, I did …

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The lightness of a warm, dilated heart

Hot air balloon above mountains

Perhaps you have never travelled in a hot-air balloon, but you know that what enables it to rise in the sky is the heat produced by the combustion of a gas, which inflates the canvas and makes the balloon lighter than air. The same is true in the spiritual life: to rise higher we must become light and dilated and, in order to become dilated, we must heat something within us. It is the warmth of love that inflates the heart and renders it so light that it begins to rise like a balloon. You see, in order to move …

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When the sun of spiritual love arrives

Love between human beings can often be compared to an old wood stove whose smoke is constantly blackening their inner being. In winter when this stove is in use, they keep the windows closed, there’s no air, they then doze off and lose their vitality. But then with spring, the sun of spiritual love arrives, and they open the windows very wide, pure air comes in and then they revive! What lessons should we draw from these images? That we should keep some distance from this old wood stove – that is, from our instincts, from our lusts – for …

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Love without limits

To be loved: this is the concept most human beings have of happiness. Of course, they agree to love a little, but they believe that the main thing is to be loved. This is easy to prove: why do they suffer so when they learn that the person they love does not give back that love, or does not give back as much as they wish? They wait for the outside world to give them love. If it does not come, or if it is taken away, they feel deprived: they do not believe in their own power, in their …

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True love, found above

Inner force, balance, peace and happiness all depend on love. You must feel that love is always there within your reach, that it is in you, and that you have, therefore, no reason to believe you are weak, poor and lonely. If you have this feeling of loneliness, it proves that you are not free from the physical plane. As soon as you enter onto the subtle planes, especially the regions of the soul and spirit, you cannot feel lonely; the universal Soul and Spirit are always there close to you, within you, and you can communicate with them at …

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Unspoken love

Why tell someone you love them? It is enough to love them. Love can be felt, can be seen – it is even the hardest thing to hide; it expresses itself through your gaze, your movements, your attitude. You do not have to declare it. Human beings expect too much of the verbal or written expression of their love. Once they have spoken of it, they think the matter is settled. Not at all – they speak, they repeat what they said, but their behaviour increasingly shows their love is fading. Love must be preserved as a very precious thing, …

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The inexhaustible source of love

Even though men and women place love above all else and hope to find ‘true love’ that will last forever, why do they find it so difficult keeping it alive for a few years or even, sometimes, just a few months? It is because as soon as they feel attracted to someone, they stop at that person. They do not know that he or she is the channel through which flow other-worldly beauty, riches and qualities and that it is this other world that their soul thirsts for. So they concentrate on this one person and expect everything of him …

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Love is everywhere

Why do most people always need a man or a woman in order to feel love? This is often the root cause of all their unhappiness, limitations, difficulties and dependence. It’s true that love is life; it is absolutely indispensable to us. Initiates are no exception, they cannot live without it but they look for it and gather it from all around them and then they distribute it in all directions. They are constantly immersed in love; they breathe, eat and contemplate love, they think of love ceaselessly. This is why their happiness and fulfilment are not dependant on possessing a man or woman: they already have …

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Overcoming jealousy and possessiveness

Most people have such a limited understanding of love that the moment they fall in love they forget the whole world- nothing else exists for them. They are not yet used to experiencing love in a greater way. They impoverish it, mutilate it. It is no longer divine love, the love that pours forth, shaking the thirst of all creatures. True love is a love that embraces all creatures without limiting itself, without putting down roots with just one. This why, from now on, men and women need broader concepts -so they can be less jealous and possessive. A husband should …

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Love as angels love- the creative fusion of voices

When you sing these mystical songs together in the choir, you are working with the two eternal principles, masculine and feminine, in their purest manifestation. The two principles were created to meet and fuse with each other but there are different degrees to this fusion. Choral singing represents the most spiritual degree, for it takes place above, far from the physical body, where the voices meet and this meeting is not without result. In the same way that the union of a man and woman on the physical plane gives birth to a child, the fusion of  their voices is …

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Learn to love as angels love

Light spirits in the invisible world are constantly making exchanges of love: they meet in space, greet each other, exchange pure rays of light and continue their journey. Not having a physical body does not prevent exchanges and love. You too, you do this with the creatures around you, thousands of exchanges that are not physical. You do not kiss everyone, you do not take everyone in your arms, but you continually have encounters that nourish you and make you happy. Why not increase the number and quality of these exchanges? Love as understood by most humans, this passionate, selfish, …

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Loving the divine in others

Nothing is more poetic than the beginning of a love affair. A man and a woman meet, they smile at each other, exchange a few words or notice each other from afar and suddenly they feel inspired and become poetical within. But as soon as this love becomes physical, their feelings of wonder start to fade. How many people have noticed this! Yes, they have noticed it, but they do not draw any lessons from it: they make no effort to protect their blossoming love by remaining in the subtle regions for as long as possible. Through curiosity and greed, men and women seek to go out immediately and explore the terrain, and even what lies beneath! Then, of course, things are no longer the same. They do not appreciate each other in the same way and are no longer in wonder, one for the other, as they know each other too well in situations which were not always the most attractive. Why do they not try to keep a certain distance between them so as to live as long as possible in the world of beauty, poetry, and light?

Love the creator, the One who is the origin of all life,and you will feel him manifesting in every creature. It is he, the One, whom you will love in others, and only he can feel the longings of your heart and soul. So many men and women, famous throughout history for their amorous adventures have had tragic destinies precisely because they did not understand this truth! The beings of flesh and blood you claim to love or to be looking for are only intermediaries, conductors meant to transmit divine energies. If you wish to continue to love them, think …

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Love is stronger than death

No one can deny how painful it is to lose a loved one. But love allows us to overcome the pain. You think the more you love someone, the more you will suffer from such a separation. At the time, you will, without a doubt. But if you have truly loved someone, in time another kind of relationship develops between you, and you feel their being as a constant presence. And at night, in your sleep, you are also with them. In the morning, you may not remember meeting, because the journeys the soul makes during sleep rarely reach awareness, …

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Universal, unconditional love

Seek to help and show love for all human beings without expecting anything in return, because they are all our brothers and sisters. In doing so, the reward is already given to you in that inner sense of expansion and that extraordinary sensation of warmth that fill you when you love. This is a marvellous reward; life contains none greater. Your heart can then be likened to a flowing spring. Human beings always expect to be rewarded for what they do. Those who have understood the secret of love don’t even expect receiving anything in return, for they already have …

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Nature has a heart- the oceans

We have a heart, but nature also has a heart, or more exactly the equivalent of our heart – the oceans. Nature offers its heart, it exposes it to the sun and says: ‘My Lord, I give you my heart, my blood. Use it so that plants, animals and human beings may live in plenty.’ The sun takes some of this blood and raises it up to fill it with spiritual gifts. So when this blood goes back down to earth, all beings will benefit from it and rejoice. Every day initiates repeat this gift of the ocean to the …

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