“My Father works, and I work also”

The earth in space with sun star

“Jesus said, ‘My Father works, and I work also.’ Even among Initiates, very few people can make such a statement. All most humans can say is ‘I do what I can’ or ‘It’s a struggle’ or ‘I wrack my brains’ or ‘I try but I never succeed’. Only those who have managed to raise themselves up to the divine Spirit to be impregnated by Him have earned the right to say, ‘I work’.‘My Father works, and I also work’ – in two thousand years, we have not yet plumbed the deeper meaning of these words. They have just remained there, …

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Aquarius -a new era

The coming era of Aquarius will be an era of knowledge, but not the dry, intellectual knowledge we have everyday with people who are educated, even erudite, but not alive. The symbol of Aquarius is an image of wisdom: an old man holding a pitcher from which he pours the waters of life. The knowledge of Aquarius is the knowledge that brings life, that awakens and stirs us to life. People may know all about germs and microbes, they may know about the stars and the planets, but they don’t know  how to live.. The water pouring from the old …

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