Welcome to these inspirational quotes and videos

I hope you enjoy my personal selection of quotes from the books of the spiritual master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900-1986) . I selected the quotes from a wide range of his books, including the Daily Meditations. They cover many essential themes of his teaching such as: working with light, meditation and prayer, methods for everyday, love and human relationships and our relationship with the natural world and the world of the soul and spirit. Universal brotherhood and harmony is a recurring theme which runs throughout his teaching. The master has also made many interesting interpretations of the Gospels, the Kabbala and ancient Vedic scriptures.

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His books and living example have been a great source of guidance and inspiration to me. I hope that these extracts will be just as helpful to others who are also looking for down-to-earth spirituality. You can find a list of the most popular themes in the hidden menu, accessed from the top navigation bar. There is a full list of themes found in the Blog sidebar and the Video page features posts containing the transcripts to all the videos published on the Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov Words of Light YouTube channel. The Biography page provides an outline of his life and work and includes links to additional articles and a short introductory YouTube video.

I aim to publish new content at least once a fortnight. If you would like to know when new content is published immediately please sign up for emailed notifications. All latest posts and archives are in the blog.

For those who are interested in exploring the books of master Omraam further, the Links tab takes you to a full list of international book distributors and YouTube channels that I hope will be of interest. Please feel free to contact me via the secure contact form if you would like any information – either about the books or about communities practicing the teachings of the master in your local area.

And please join the online community by posting your comments on the post pages and sharing to social media!

  • Featured Theme- Video

    Video: A high ideal for heart, mind, soul and spirit

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Featured Theme-Prayer & Meditation

  • Acheiving spiritual unity and brotherhood through prayer

    Acheiving spiritual unity and brotherhood through prayer

  • What gives meaning to prayer?

    What gives meaning to prayer?

  • Prayer, the Universal Gift

    Prayer, the Universal Gift

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