Our true roots- the divine world

beautiful blue butterflies

When human beings neglect the bond that unites them with the divine world, they cut themselves off from their true roots and have great difficulty in giving meaning to life. The divine world is not like a foreign country that lies outside of us and that we can ignore without consequences. The divine world is our inner earth, our original earth, it is the world of our soul and our spirit, and by cutting ourselves off from it, we deprive ourselves of the resources we need most to live. Some people, when faced with life’s hardships, instinctively regain the contact …

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Perspiration of the soul

A walk in the mountains

Perspiring is good for your health. But perspiring physically, i.e. sweating, is not enough, and do not be surprised if I tell you that the soul and the spirit must also perspire. Love makes the soul perspire and wisdom makes the spirit perspire. Of course the word perspiring must be understood in a very wide sense. Perspiration symbolizes a perfect exchange that is established between the microcosm (humankind) and the macrocosm (the universe). Physically, these exchanges occur through the skin, as we discard waste and absorb energy through the skin. In the subtle plane, however, these exchanges occur through the …

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Why does hatred exist?

Animosity and hatred arise between human beings because face-to-face with one another they are never conscious that they are in the presence of a spirit, a spark that is seeking to manifest itself and that, in order to help this spirit before them, it is worth their while to be kind, patient, understanding and generous. Given the way they are used to seeing each other and what they see in each other when they meet, it is inevitable that they end up wanting to kill each other. And even some who have, supposedly, placed the love of God and others …

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Count on the spirit within

As long as you trust in external conditions or material objects, you are headed for great disillusionment, because conditions change from one moment to another, and objects slip away from you. The only thing you can truly count on is the spirit within, which is pure activity and constant effort. Use all the external means, if you have them, and thank heaven for giving them to you, but do not count on them. Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Happiness … fulfilling the needs of the soul

To be happy, it is not enough to have a family, friends, a job and leisure. The proof is the number of people there are you might consider privileged but who are not happy! Why? Because they do not know how to respond to their soul’s needs. The soul needs to live in immense, infinite, limitless space. And yet, humans continually constrict their soul, fetter it and stifle it; they want it to make do with trifles – a little material success, a little pleasure, a little gossip… Then, the soul suffers and complains to them: ‘I want to be free, and you, with your ordinary, …

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