Meeting with angels of light

Whether you are alone in nature or in your room, you are in fact never alone; entities are part of your life. Those who work for the good are always encountering entities of light who rejoice with them and help them in difficult times by affording them glimpses of a way out of their problems, of solutions to them. Most of the time this happens unbeknown to them. But if they strive to become aware of these benevolent presences, they will benefit much more from them. How to draw these entities to you? With your love. Think as often as …

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All in nature is light

Many clairvoyants and mystics have perceived that everything we see around us in the natural world is actually composed of light. Here, the master describes an extraordinary experience: “Jacob Boehme, the great German mystic, earned his living as a cobbler. Suddenly one day he saw everything in a light so brilliant he could not bear it. Everything he laid eyes on seemed to be lit from within. No doubt he had earned that privilege in an earlier life! In a panic he ran out of his house and fled into the countryside, but there it was stronger still: everything, the …

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The pyramid of light and the power of global prayer meetings

Inhabitants of the higher regions rejoice when they see hearths of light all over the earth. It gives them such joy and happiness. These little points of light are the bridge between heaven and earth. Without these links, without these centres, the earth would be invaded and annihilated by dark forces.  It is these luminous centres, radiating from all over the world, that sustains the souls of human beings, giving them what they need, their food, joy and happiness.  Today, I’ve decided to tell you a secret. What is an initiatic centre, with all its life and light, in reality? …

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Into the light

white lotus in the light

I speak to you only of yourselves, of realities that exist within you. Even if you are still not aware of their existence and do not fully understand what I am referring to, I know that through my words I am contacting an entity whose only wish is to come into the light. This entity can be compared to a lotus that begins to develop underwater before blossoming on the surface. Things are born, take shape and begin to grow in the darkness of the subconscious. By the time they rise to awareness, they are no longer in their early stage …

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Seek help from the light

Whatever your difficulties may be, turn to the light, the light that pervades the whole universe. When you feel tired, discouraged or disappointed, think of seeking help from this light, concentrate on it and imagine you are making it course through you. Not only will it purify your psychic body, but to some extent also your physical body, and you will feel more peaceful, revived, capable of resuming your activities, for it will have given you enthusiasm. One of the most effective methods for gathering this light is to thank the Lord and bless his name. Several times a day, …

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The living cross and invisible beings of light

Space is not something vague and undefined. It is subject to a structure which corresponds to the number 4: the four cardinal points. But what are the four cardinal points other than a cross? When initiates are about to start a work, they turn successively to each of the four directions in space, thereby drawing a cross, indicating that their spirit is about to start work. Each of the four cardinal points is presided over by an archangel: Michael for the east, Gabriel for the west, Uriel for the north and Raphael for the south. Since initiates understand the living …

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Light connects us to God

“Some people say they are believers but also admit that, for them, God is an abstract notion. They don’t know how to make contact with him, and they obviously feel that they are lacking something. In reality, the most effective method for connecting to God is to concentrate on light. God is not light, he is much more than light, and we cannot know him or even imagine him. But why then does it say in Genesis that on the first day God created light? He wanted to make light the very substance of the universe. If light is the …

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Learn to work with light- video

Learn to work with light, and you will understand that it is light that will bring you true riches. Thanks to light, even your relationships with those around you will improve. Why? Because when we live in abundance, we become generous and open to others. We feel the need to understand them and help them, and we are much less demanding and harsh with them. So make a habit of concentrating on light. Think that you are attracting it, introducing it into yourself, so that it fills your whole being with particles of the greatest purity. And when you feel that …

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Sending signals of light

You would like to receive help and blessings from heavenly entities, but how can they even see you if you do nothing to attract their attention? Send them a few signals of light at least. How? By projecting sparks, fireworks of pure colour, each day, from your heart, mind, soul and spirit. When they see them, these entities will say, ‘Oh, there’s a party down there; let’s go and join in!’ As they draw near, what they see will seem so beautiful to them that they will befriend you. They may even decide to live within you, and then everything …

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Letting in the light

It’s wonderful – from out of the crude, dark material of her entrails, the earth is able to form a matter as pure and limpid as crystal. But it’s not enough for us to marvel at nature’s work; we need to do the same work of transmutation ourselves, by transforming the selfish feelings and desires of our heart. How?  First of all, through imagination. Imagination possesses real power, so why not use it to obtain the purity of a crystal? You will say that is just fantasy. But no, everything we imagine eventually becomes reality. Once you have experienced this …

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Cloak of many colors…

“Many years ago (I must have been about twenty at the time), I read a passage from the Zohar which I have never forgotten. It was in Bulgarian, of course, but let me translate it for you: ‘Seven lights there are in the Highest of Heights, and therein dwells the Ancient of Ancients, the Hidden of all Hidden Ones, the Secret of all Secrets, Ain Soph.’ When I recited these words everything within me started to vibrate and quiver. These seven lights are the seven colors, and each ones corresponds to a particular virtue or quality…         …

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Finding God in light

Many years ago, when I was still a very young disciple of the master Peter Deunov, I asked him,’What is the best way to be close to God and develop my spiritual faculties and virtues?’ And he told me, ‘You must think constantly of light, concentrate on it, picture the whole universe bathed in light’. Well, I worked with this image of light for a very long time and learned a great deal from it. In reality, God is not light. God is far more than that. It’s not possible to know or even imagine God….  but since light is …

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