Humanity’s divine lineage- God within

Mikhael Aivanhov in Switerland

Your entire future depends on your ability to recognise your divine lineage, to become conscious that God is within you, that the divine, universal Spirit lives in you and that you can therefore identify with it. But of course this exercise requires that you take certain precautions. First of all, your consciousness that the divinity dwells within you must be accompanied by the same consciousness that the divinity lives in all human beings as well. In this way, you will remain humble, simple, amiable, and open to others. What is more, in doing this exercise of identification, do not begin …

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Participating in God’s work throughout all nature

sunrise over a field

God is always present in his creation, he continually supports it with his life and his love. And, at whatever level they may be, every human being can also participate in this divine work by striving to make the currents flowing in and around them converge toward the Source of life.Think about this in the morning when you attend the sunrise. Look at the sun, realizing that it never stops illuminating, warming and vivifying all creatures. It is the best symbol of the harmonization and purification work we must all do, and this work has beneficial consequences not only for …

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One with the limitless ocean

The limited cannot understand the limitless; so human beings, who are limited, cannot understand God, the limitless. Or, to be more precise, they cannot know him as long as they remain outside of him. They will only know him once they enter this immensity, merge with it and become part of it. As long as a drop of water is separate from the ocean, it cannot know the ocean, but when it returns to the ocean it can no longer be separated from it; the drop has become the ocean, it knows the ocean. You will say, ‘But humans exist …

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Participating in God’s work

God is always present in his creation, he continually supports it with his life and his love. And, at whatever level they may be, every human being can also participate in this divine work by striving to make the currents flowing in and around them converge toward the Source of life. Think about this in the morning when you attend the sunrise. Look at the sun, realizing that it never stops illuminating, warming and vivifying all creatures. It is the best symbol of the harmonization and purification work we must all do, and this work has beneficial consequences not only …

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‘Praise be to God’- enter into the light of divine glory

Golden Autumn leaves in sunlight

Praise be to God… To understand what these words mean, it would be better for people to be less obsessed by human glories. So many naive and ignorant people think that God is like one of the many tyrannical and vain monarchs who expect people to worship their wealth, their qualities and their achievements and who are only satisfied if they appear greater than all those around them. God has no need for us to sing his praises, for nothing we might say of him could add anything to him. The entire universe and all the angelic hierarchies already sing …

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Love for God encompasses everything

father and child by sea

It has been said ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ Yes, because this love for God encompasses everything: health, beauty, light, intelligence, power and freedom. If we love God with all our being, if we place God first, if we make daily efforts – three, four, ten times a day – to slip out of ourselves and melt into this immensity from which we derive life, happiness, strength and every blessing, we will understand that no creature deserves our love …

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Does God speak to us?

Mountain reflection in still lake

Does God speak to us? Yes, since God is within us, he speaks to us. His voice is very soft, and we must learn to distinguish it amid all the other voices asking to be heard inside our body, our heart and our intellect. It can be compared to the melody of a flute in the midst of the clamour of cymbals and bass drums. It is easy to hear and follow the thunderous voice of the stomach shouting in hunger or that of our sexual organs demanding a victim. But when a small voice says to you, ‘Calm down, …

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Universal Spirit lives in all people

“When I’m travelling and I arrive in a new town and see great crowds of people in the streets, I think of how these men and women each have their own life, their own history, their problems to resolve, their suffering and their loves, and of how there is a Being that sustains them all because it lives within them. If you also tried to have this thought from time to time, you would broaden your field of awareness; you would discover new regions where you would come into contact with higher entities. Instead of troubling yourself with all sorts …

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We do not exist outside of God

Mountain and blue lake landscape

‘We must reach a level of consciousness where we actually feel that we are a part of the Lord and that we do not exist outside of God. For this is the reality – no one can exist outside of the Lord. He created us, he nourishes us, and gives us life. Some people might say, ‘The Creator? But I have nothing to do with him! I am a free and independent individual!’ Well, that is the biggest mistake. No creature is independent. Those who, in their conscience, cut their link with the Creator in order to be independent, actually …

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True life is living in harmony with God’s plans

Glitter path on water

Generally, people devote their days to the satisfaction of their desires and the realization of their ambitions. They rarely question the nature of all these calculations, designs and projects. Do they ever think to turn to heavenly beings and ask, ‘O luminous spirits, are we in harmony with your plans? What is your opinion? What do you have in mind for us? Where and how must we work to accomplish your will?’ Very few ask themselves these questions. Nothing, however, is more important for a human being than to ask the beings of light in the invisible world to enable …

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Meditation: give priority to the activity of the Spirit

Anyone who strives in their inner life to give priority to the activity of the spirit, their higher self, is already participating in the cosmic work of Christ, of God himself. Yes, this activity which takes place in another sphere, most often without our knowledge, is something mysterious, but is a reality. When you are absorbed in your daily tasks, you cannot begin to imagine what your higher self is doing. One day, perhaps, when your mind is sufficiently developed, you will become conscious of the work it carries out in all regions of the universe. For the time being, …

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Safety in God, our heavenly parents

There is no greater happiness than to feel at least once in our life like a true child of God. At least once to experience feeling safe in the bosom of the Eternal, in our primal purity and innocence. In order one day to be able to know this state of consciousness, we must undertake a great work with light, to bring light and purity into all the dark recesses of our psychic life. If we seek to identify more and more with our higher self, with our spirit, we will one day remember what we once were in the …

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Ocean of light- true knowledge and freedom

In order to transcend the limits of their consciousness,  disciples of initiatic science must learn to project themselves up to great heights, to the sublime Being that embraces and nourishes every creature. A disciple seeks to know how this Being envisions the destiny of mankind, what its plans are for the disciple’s own evolution, not just in the near future, but more importantly, in the distant future. And it is through striving to draw closer and closer to this immense, luminous and perfect Being that disciples are able to detach themselves. A transformation takes place within them, in their subconscious, …

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The spring of life

God is a bubbling spring. And in human beings – created in his image – there is also a spring, buried deeply and waiting to bubble up and flow when conditions are right. If we succeed, through thought and prayer, in connecting with the heavenly Source, we will enable the water from our own spring to flow, and all our cells will be watered, brought to life by the divine water. If we learn to make this spring flow within us – the spring of life, which is love and light– we will become an instrument in heaven’s hands. And …

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Feeding faith

To have faith means having experiences every day that allow us to sense the reality of the divine world. For faith too must be fed. It is fed as we become conscious of the riches God has placed in everything around us – in the earth, water, air and sunlight – and as we make the effort to work with these. What is the point of people reciting and singing that they believe in ‘God, Creator of heaven and earth’, if they do nothing to allow this heaven and this earth to help strengthen their faith in him? They are …

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Prayer and meditation- a precious moment with the One

Before you meditate or pray or watch the sunrise, say to yourself, ‘I am in purity, in the light, with my beloved Lord and my beloved divine Mother. This moment when I can communicate with them must be all that matters.’ Leave your baggage and burdens – be light and free when you go to meet the Divine and the splendours of nature. If you do so, you will find the solution to many of your inner problems and to situations that until now you have thought insoluble. If you are to see and understand and receive influences from the …

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An end to loneliness

The feeling of loneliness is one of the most terrible forms of suffering that human beings can experience. Each of us needs to find someone with whom we can share our thoughts, feelings, and aspirations, someone with whom we can exchange harmoniously every day. This ideal being is obviously very difficult to find, and many books have explained the anguish and suffering experienced by the failure to discover what some have called the twin soul! But, in reality, the human soul can only be filled definitively and completely by God. If you wish to conquer solitude and to feel that …

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Allow God to live within

If you have the necessary qualities, you can perhaps impose your will on humans, to impress them with your knowledge and authority. Before the Lord, however, you must instead become self-effacing to the point of merging with him and becoming one with him. Yes, when you allow yourself to become small before the Lord’s greatness, even to the extent of disappearing, you in fact become great and powerful, whereas if you assert your own will over his you only weaken yourself, and you soon become nothing. And what is it within you that must diminish itself before the Lord? Your …

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Light connects us to God

“Some people say they are believers but also admit that, for them, God is an abstract notion. They don’t know how to make contact with him, and they obviously feel that they are lacking something. In reality, the most effective method for connecting to God is to concentrate on light. God is not light, he is much more than light, and we cannot know him or even imagine him. But why then does it say in Genesis that on the first day God created light? He wanted to make light the very substance of the universe. If light is the …

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One love

‘Everyone thinks they know what it is they love about any particular man or woman, whether it’s beauty, charm or moral or intellectual qualities. But the reality is that each person loves only the One, the Creator, who made beings the way they are. Make no mistake: it is him you love through others. The more the Divine expresses itself in them as kindness, wisdom, beauty, intelligence or strength, the more you love them. So you will never be able to find fulfilment and perfect joy if you do not seek a vaster, richer reality in the being you love. …

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‘Beauty, true beauty, cannot be explained. It is life, a life which streams forth, which emanates. Suppose, for example, you have a diamond; when the sun’s rays fall on it you are dazzled by the beauty of the colours you see. Well, this is true of beauty: it is comparable to the light of the sun. And to the extent that someone emanates beauty such as this, to that extent he or she comes close to true beauty. True beauty is not in forms, true beauty has no form even, for it exists on high, in a realm in which …

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Video Lecture: Looking for God

Everyone is looking for God without knowing itWatch this video on YouTube This is a short extract of an improvised lecture by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, with English subtitles. It is called, ‘In all our searching for fulfilment, joy and every kind of pleasure, we are really looking for God’. It was originally posted on the Youtube channel of Editions Prosveta English

Finding God in light

Many years ago, when I was still a very young disciple of the master Peter Deunov, I asked him,’What is the best way to be close to God and develop my spiritual faculties and virtues?’ And he told me, ‘You must think constantly of light, concentrate on it, picture the whole universe bathed in light’. Well, I worked with this image of light for a very long time and learned a great deal from it. In reality, God is not light. God is far more than that. It’s not possible to know or even imagine God….  but since light is …

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