Video: A high ideal for heart, mind, soul and spirit

snow capped mountains with pine trees

In the Youtube short I am publishing today the master Omraam talks about the role a high ideal has in our spiritual life and how it can inspire and protect us. The high ideal referred to in the video was originally given by master Peter Deunov to his disciples in Bulgaria. It is now used by the students of both masters. The video text was taken from a Daily Meditation and can be found below the video. Try to remain silent; let silence penetrate your being. Then, your unfettered mind will become capable of the most luminous creations. It is …

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From dinosaur to bird- how to take flight

An eagle flying towards golden sun

In this text from the books of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, he talks about how birds can inspire us to overcome the anxieties that weigh us down. They know how to take flight when faced with danger. We can escape psychic dangers such as depression and anxiety by taking refuge in prayer meditation, music and other spiritual methods. The text is used in the video From dinosaur to bird, an evolution towards flight which you can view on Youtube Unbelievable as it may sound, dinosaurs are the ancestors of birds. How can we interpret this evolution. Perhaps among these reptiles there …

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Onwards and upwards

“Now that you have committed to the path of light, you must keep walking without wondering when you will reach the end. One by one, all obstacles give way before those who do not stop en route, for they have set the powerful laws of life in motion. Spiritual life is like climbing a high mountain. On these arduous, steep paths, it is inevitable that you will go through moments of weakness and discouragement, and you may even take a tumble, but this is no reason to stop”. Every so often you may even have the sensation that you are …

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A luminous aura attracts all blessings

Celestial entities love the light, and when they catch sight of someone who is surrounded by this light which initiatic Science calls the aura, they rush towards them. If I ask you, ‘Do you really long for love, peace, health and beauty?’ you will all reply, ‘Oh, yes! We want nothing but this!’ So then, what are you doing to obtain them? All blessings cannot come to you simply by chance. The best way to attract them is to work on your aura: vivify it with your love, illuminate it with your wisdom, make it powerful with your strength of …

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Harmony and health – communicating with our cells

Photo: Human skin cells under microscope “The cells of our body are small intelligent souls. There is a whole population inside us, a population with which we can communicate and which it is our task to educate. Are you aware of it? No, or very rarely. This is why your cells do not obey you. You would like to improve the state of your liver, your stomach, your heart, your brain and so on, but you can’t – the cells of all those organs do not obey you. You don’t have any authority over them; they have a will of …

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Breathe in Prana – respiration in the open air

Bench overlooking lake with trees

We should ideally do our morning gymnastic and breathing exercises every day in nature so as to benefit from the purest air possible, since it’s from the air that we can harness this precious quintessence the Indian yogis called prana. Prana is life energy that exists everywhere, in the earth, in water, air and fire, but it is mainly carried by the sun’s rays, and is most abundant in the early morning. Each particle of this prana is like a drop of crystalline water, a tiny, suspended sphere of light filled with a spiritual essence. And we can capture some …

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Rise above your worries

Daily life never fails to present us all with occasions for being worried, sad or discouraged, does it? But you have to react. Rather than sit there and do nothing except swallow tablets and tire people out with your complaints, forgetting that they too face the same difficulties, try to work with your thoughts and your imagination. See yourself surrounded by light, imagine you are sending out love to the whole world, that you are overcoming every obstacle. Gradually those images you are forming will come alive, will have an effect on your consciousness, will transform you, and at the …

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Learn to be generous and you will become richer

Field of golden wheat

Try to forget all the things you lack. How can you feel lonely, impoverished or humiliated when you have the opportunity of using your thoughts to embrace the whole universe and unite with all the light beings that live within it? No one can take these treasures away from you. What does it take to make you understand that you live in affluence, and that you can also help others with this abundance? Seek at least to look at them with love and to send them some beneficial particles from your heart. Not only will you then feel happy and …

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Perspiration of the soul

A walk in the mountains

Perspiring is good for your health. But perspiring physically, i.e. sweating, is not enough, and do not be surprised if I tell you that the soul and the spirit must also perspire. Love makes the soul perspire and wisdom makes the spirit perspire. Of course the word perspiring must be understood in a very wide sense. Perspiration symbolizes a perfect exchange that is established between the microcosm (humankind) and the macrocosm (the universe). Physically, these exchanges occur through the skin, as we discard waste and absorb energy through the skin. In the subtle plane, however, these exchanges occur through the …

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How to capture divine energies

Night stars landscape

Today, I am posting a Daily Meditation that hints on how we can mange to capture divine energies circulating throughout space: ‘To channel water, you dig ditches; to light your house, you install electric wires; and to receive radio and television programmes, you need equipment with circuits that will transmit sound and images. Why these examples? To help you understand that human beings need to inscribe something in themselves – circuits and channels – in order to capture divine energies and allow them to circulate. How can people think that God’s wisdom, love and willpower will find a path in …

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The extraordinary powers of thought

Exquisite blue rose

You have an extraordinary instrument at your disposal: thought. But why don’t you use it? Instead you are content to grumble about all the things you lack. You need beauty, poetry, silence, smiles, kind looks, and kind words? Well, instead of complaining about the fact that people are not giving you these, know that you can create them instantly through thought. You might say, ‘But there’s nothing; I can’t see anything, I can’t feel anything.’ Of course, if you wait to see them materialized, it will probably take centuries. But they exist in the mental plane. And this is the …

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Hands and divine magic

In whatever you do, think only of spreading beneficial influences. You can do this by means of your hands, which are among the best instruments for transmitting them. When you caress the head of someone you love, instead of seeking egotistical pleasure, concentrate on your hands and say, ‘May God bless you. May light reign in this head, and may all angels come and make their home here.’ At this moment, your love will no longer be sensual; it will be transformed into a beneficial energy and will also bring you an extraordinary sensation of joy and expansion. And when …

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Seek help from the light

Whatever your difficulties may be, turn to the light, the light that pervades the whole universe. When you feel tired, discouraged or disappointed, think of seeking help from this light, concentrate on it and imagine you are making it course through you. Not only will it purify your psychic body, but to some extent also your physical body, and you will feel more peaceful, revived, capable of resuming your activities, for it will have given you enthusiasm. One of the most effective methods for gathering this light is to thank the Lord and bless his name. Several times a day, …

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Can drinking water improve brain function?

Fill a cup or a glass with water… Even such a small quantity of water can represent all the water on earth. Symbolically, magically, it only takes only one drop for us to be connected to all the rivers, lakes and oceans. Concentrate on this cupful, greet it so that it becomes even more alive and vibrant, tell it how much you admire it, how beautiful you find it, ask it to grant you its clarity, its transparency. Then, when you have thoroughly washed your hands, you can touch this water, dip your fingers in it, aware that you are …

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Feeding faith

To have faith means having experiences every day that allow us to sense the reality of the divine world. For faith too must be fed. It is fed as we become conscious of the riches God has placed in everything around us – in the earth, water, air and sunlight – and as we make the effort to work with these. What is the point of people reciting and singing that they believe in ‘God, Creator of heaven and earth’, if they do nothing to allow this heaven and this earth to help strengthen their faith in him? They are …

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Water- messenger of the Universal Soul

You are in contact with water every day and in different ways. But how many of you are aware that water, by its very nature and properties, is a physical expression of the universal Soul? Through the medium of water, the universal Soul sends messages. If you do not receive them, it is because your psychic channels are still blocked. But if you free these channels by nurturing pure thoughts and feelings, you will raise yourself up to the realm of heavenly water, which will fill you with its purity and transparency. So learn to love water, to work with …

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Replay happy memories

You have all experienced moments of joy and happiness. Well, seek out these moments. Even if there were only three or four in your life, or only one, return to them often: recall the place, the circumstances, the people… Try hard to recover the same thoughts, the same feelings, the same sensations. Gradually you will have the impression you are reliving these states, with the same intensity as if you truly were experiencing them here and now for the first time. It is always what you feel inside that is most important, not what comes from outside. So seek out …

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Don't let it get to you!

Sometimes you feel vulnerable, anything negative going on around you upsets and disturbs you: events, others’ behaviour towards you, and so on. In order not to be troubled by negativity, you should escape it by rising to regions where it no longer has any hold over you. You might say, ‘But do these regions exist?’ Yes, they exist within you, just as they exist in the universe, and if you haven’t realized this yet, it’s because you are not used to observing yourself. So, from now on, observe yourself, and you will notice that some events that used to sadden …

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Don’t let it get to you!

Sometimes you feel vulnerable, anything negative going on around you upsets and disturbs you: events, others’ behaviour towards you, and so on. In order not to be troubled by negativity, you should escape it by rising to regions where it no longer has any hold over you. You might say, ‘But do these regions exist?’ Yes, they exist within you, just as they exist in the universe, and if you haven’t realized this yet, it’s because you are not used to observing yourself. So, from now on, observe yourself, and you will notice that some events that used to sadden …

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Be patient and you will live a long life

Be patient and you will live a long life. You might say, ‘But that is not possible, you need so much energy to put up with difficult situations and with difficult people!’ No, on the contrary, you waste the most energy when you are impatient. Calm and patience enhance vitality and prolong life. People who explode and then say, ‘Ah! That feels better!’ do not realize that what they consider to be better is actually a great loss. They should analyse themselves to find out what it is within them that feels better – is it their higher nature or …

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Love, peace and traffic holdups

How often have we seen that, when placed in identical situations, people do not all react in the same way! If there is a traffic holdup on the road, for example, how do the drivers react? One gets annoyed, hoots and shouts abuse at other drivers, another flicks through a newspaper or listens to the radio, while another one chats with a passenger or kisses them if it’s their loved one. But finally, one of them decides to take advantage of this pause to go within, link to heaven and send love and light to all the others who are …

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The strength to serve- putting truth into practice

Photo: ‘Brother Mikhael’ in 1958 “The Creator has given us a will, so that we can make it the instrument of our higher nature by placing it at the service of a high ideal. The first step is to understand and apply some essential truths. Once you have understood an essential truth, use your will to put it into practice, in the knowledge that this is the only way to understand it fully. It is easy to state truths; anybody can go and find them in the works of a few sages and then repeat them parrot-fashion. By doing so …

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Laughing does not necessarily mean that you are carefree, frivolous and irresponsible. Laughter can actually have a more beneficial effect on the mind than that serious expression many believe to be a sign of wisdom. For in laughter there are live energies that feed the brain. Laughter allows you to get back on your feet, to bounce back. It’s true that everyone’s life has events that are no laughing matter to begin with, and it is normal to be worried and upset about them initially, but if you get used to seeing the funny side of certain situations it makes …

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Warmth and openness- how to walk the talk

“Having thoughts that are clear, fair and noble is not all.. It is necessary for these thoughts to come down into the heart and will, to be expressed through feelings and then through corresponding actions. Many people have good judgment and excellent ideas, but of what use are these if they do not translate into actions of the same quality? Often, the contrast between people’s ideas and the reality of their daily lives is such that they only experience disappointment. And on top of this, they do not understand what is happening to them – quite simply, they have not …

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The secret to becoming tireless

In order to remain active all day without feeling tired, it is essential to take a moment to relax from time to time. But just two or three times is not enough… Ten, fifteen or twenty times a day, you must stop the relentless inner movement, so that you can be recharged with new energy. And you only need a minute each time. Wherever you are, when you have a moment, instead of remaining tense about a difficult situation or becoming impatient at having to wait and so on, turn it to your advantage by going inside yourself and saying, …

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Rise above the clouds

When you sense that certain negative thoughts are beginning to cloud your ‘sky’, weaken your faith and love, and dull your perception of the splendor of God , then it is time to concentrate and project rays of the utmost purity in the direction of these mists, and it will not be long before you see things becoming clearer, purer and brighter. It is by means of thought that you rise above the clouds. Thought is like a rocket or a beam of light. You can aim or focus it on a given point: the source of light, the eternal …

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New Year's Day Meditation

“Today is the beginning of a new year. And because the first twelve days of a year are related to all twelve months, do your best to live them as well as you can so as to give a solid foundation to the whole year. Tell yourself that there is not one of your thoughts, feelings or wishes that is without consequence. They are like seeds you sow in the soil of your soul, and these seeds will germinate. It is the earth’s vocation to help seeds to grow. Once they are sown, it feeds them, and water, air and …

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New Year’s Day Meditation

“Today is the beginning of a new year. And because the first twelve days of a year are related to all twelve months, do your best to live them as well as you can so as to give a solid foundation to the whole year. Tell yourself that there is not one of your thoughts, feelings or wishes that is without consequence. They are like seeds you sow in the soil of your soul, and these seeds will germinate. It is the earth’s vocation to help seeds to grow. Once they are sown, it feeds them, and water, air and …

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