Prayer and meditation- a precious moment with the One

Before you meditate or pray or watch the sunrise, say to yourself, ‘I am in purity, in the light, with my beloved Lord and my beloved divine Mother. This moment when I can communicate with them must be all that matters.’ Leave your baggage and burdens – be light and free when you go to meet the Divine and the splendours of nature. If you do so, you will find the solution to many of your inner problems and to situations that until now you have thought insoluble.
If you are to see and understand and receive influences from the spiritual world, you have to be fully present. Follow the example of men and women who are deeply in love: when they are together, it is easy for them to forget everything else. They gaze into each other’s eyes, and when they want to describe what they have seen they speak only of light and vastness.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov   Daily Meditations

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