Meditation for Easter Sunday- what is resurrection?

pink blossom on tree branch

What is resurrection? It is the expression of a current of life passing through regions where illness and death had begun to set in physically or psychically. There are so many natural phenomena that can give us an idea of this process! Images of resurrection include not only the sprouting seed but also the chick hatching from its egg, particular animals waking from hibernation, the chrysalis transforming into a butterfly… And what about trees? They too come back to life in spring: all those black, bare branches become covered in leaves and flowers! That is also a resurrection. And why …

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Good Friday-sacrifice and the beauty of the new life

By accepting to die on the cross, Jesus made a sacrifice, and we must meditate on this in order to measure the grandeur of it, and to link ourselves to it through thought. But in the new life which the Christ is now proposing, it is not recommended that we dwell on the suffering of the cross, because the Christ also manifests through beauty, joy and light. In the new society, it is thoughts of the glory of Christ that must nourish our inner life. Heaven rejoices that we no longer kiss the ground and kneel beside graves, because there …

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Easter- the mystery of death and rebirth

‘If you do not die, you shall not live’, said Jesus. The idea of resurrection, then, is linked with death and disintegration. If the seed does not die, it prevents the manifestation of the power of life buried in it. In a human being, it is the lower self that must die to leave room for the Spirit, the divine principle, which is then free to act and transform everything… The secret of the resurrection is before our eyes in Nature, waiting for us to understand it and decide to die consciously so as to become a new being…… ‘If …

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Easter and the living book of nature

Christmas and Easter – the birth of Jesus which is celebrated in the beginning of winter, and his resurrection which is celebrated in the spring – represent two pages in the great Book of Nature. This idea may offend many Christians, but instead of being offended, it would be better to reflect on it. Those who fixed the dates of these feast days long ago were beings who possessed great knowledge of the relationship between nature and the human soul. They had meditated profoundly on the life of Jesus and his teaching and had understood that in his identification with …

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Meditation for Easter

Chick and flowers

We don’t have to wait until the end of time to leave our tombs and rise again. To resurrect we must simply work on ourselves everyday in order to overcome our weaknesses. This work has an effect on the cells in our body- it purifies, enlightens and vivifies them. Increasingly intense vibrations are gradually communicated to all our cells and prepare our resurrection. If only humans knew the number of tombs they have within them. These tombs are all the cells they must regenerate by learning how to nourish themselves with elements of spiritual life. And so, one by one, …

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The bread and wine of the last supper

Christians know that the communion bread and wine represent the body and the blood of Christ, but few of them have looked into these symbols, which correspond to the two great cosmic principles – the masculine (bread) and the feminine (wine) – at work in all regions of the universe. Bread and wine are two solar symbols. We must look beyond the bread and wine of the Last Supper and see the sun’s two properties of light and warmth, which bring about life. The light of the sun is wisdom, and its warmth is love. That is what Jesus was …

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Spirit in blossom

The descent of the spirit into a human being is comparable to the arrival of spring, which allows a tree to manifest all the riches it bears within it. Roots, a trunk, and branches are not sufficient: a tree is only truly a tree when – having been worked on by the universal spirit – it begins to produce leaves, flowers, and fruits. It is the same for human beings. We possess a stomach, lungs, and a brain, but is this sufficient to call ourselves fully developed beings? No, like the roots, trunk, and branches, of a tree, our organs …

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Meditation for Easter Sunday

A seed that’s been placed in the earth can be compared to a creature imprisoned in a tomb. When the angel of warmth comes, he wakes the creature, saying, ‘Go on, get up now, come out of the tomb!’ And then the life that was buried begins to stir: a little stem divides the seed in two, giving birth to a shoot that one day will become a magnificent tree. That is resurrection. Before resurrection is possible, the tomb must be opened, and tombs are opened only by warmth. And warmth is love. Those who have a lot of love …

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