Anxiety and agitation produce the worst conditions for thinking, and so when you have an important problem to solve, you should begin by calming yourself. Create quiet within you, and try to rise up as high as you can, for light is found on high. When you feel you have reached a sort of summit, ask the question that is on your mind and wait…
Of course, to begin with, the answer will come to you with varying degrees of clarity; it may be just a vague feeling that is difficult to put into words, but it will nevertheless give you a clue. Don’t give up. Repeat the process as many times as is necessary. Ask the question again, and soon you will feel some clarity and inner certainty; then there will be no more doubt, and you will know how you must act. But you should know that the clarity and accuracy of the answers you receive, the help they will bring you, will depend on your level of spiritual development.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
The secret of effective prayer
Prayer releases a higher power