The new life will come thanks to women

The new life will come thanks to women, all women, because they possess the matter in which this new life can manifest. The feminine principle possesses the keys to realization in matter. It is this principle that materializes, whether it be good or evil. It is the role of women to bring children into the world, but children can also be the symbol of any accomplishment on the psychic and spiritual planes. The same laws apply on whatever plane – physical, psychological or spiritual.  Women are formed in such a way that very subtle particles or etheric matter emanate from …

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Sisters unite

Women have much to reproach men for, because men have for centuries used and abused their physical superiority and their authority to force women to be in their service. Men have shown themselves to be careless, egocentric, unjust, violent and cruel. And now the situation has changed and women are gaining their independence. They are waking up and rising up. But if they get up to take revenge, the results will be no better, not even for them. Women must now show themselves generous and forgive men. Since they are the mothers, since their nature leads them to be good, …

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