Full moon meditation at Vesak

This year, the festival of Vesak (Wesak), celebrating the birthday of the Buddha, falls on Sunday, May 3rd. Although Vesak is not celebrated outwardly by master Omraam’s disciples in the same way that Christmas and Easter generally are, the festival of Vesak is still significant to us, as it is to all spiritual aspirants. Just as Easter always fulls on the first full moon of the Spring Equinox,  the exact hour of Vesac is always the time of the full moon in Taurus. This year, it’s at 4.42 am GMT, 8.42 pm PDT.

When the moon is full in the month of May, the initiates of the world are drawn, as by a magnet, to a particular spot in the Himalayas, just as eels are drawn from Europe to their spawning ground in the Sargasso Sea. And today. May 14th (1938) the moon is full and will enter Sagittarius at Midnight. Tonight, therefore, the souls and spirits of the initiates of the world will gather in the Himalayas, where they will take part in an important ceremony in the presence of the great masters of humanity.

Just as eels gather in the Sargasso Sea to produce their young, the initiates gather in the Himalayas to give birth to the purest and most exalted thoughts and feelings to shower on humanity.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov  Spiritual Alchemy 


Sunrise over the Himalayas

This particular spot in the Himalayas that the master mentions is associated with Shambhala (also known as Agatha). Some disciples of the master try to consciously tune in to the Vessac ceremony through the power of prayer and meditation but he warned us that it is not possible to resonate with the intense vibrations of Agatha unless we have been able to forgive anyone who may have wronged us. Negative emotions of hostility or resentment repulse vibrations from Agatha. He once said to us: ‘You will not know the exact hour of the ceremony and yet you will know’ and he advised a fast the evening before the May full moon.

Vesak is a very special festival – it unites the spiritual energies of East and West, in a union of head and heart.It is a particularly auspicious time to pray for peace and for the happiness and well- being of all.

May all beings swim in the ocean of peace and light!

Thank you for visiting.

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