Valentine’s day- advice for lovers

As it is almost Valentine’s Day, here is an extract from Love and Sexuality where the master offers some advice to lovers on how to experience a higher degree of love: ‘If human beings want to learn how to nourish the higher nature of those they love, wisdom and initiatic science is needed. Picture two beings who love each other very much and are deeply committed to a high spiritual ideal, who are steeped, day and night, in the light of a spiritual teaching: they are living their love on a higher level. Each of them thinks of the good …

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Love at a distance- subtle energies and essences

“Sometimes you meet a being to whom you feel immediately attracted. This person is like a vase filled with a precious essence that plunges you into a state of wonder; they inspire you, broaden your horizons and reveal the beauty of heaven and earth to you. Thank the Lord for having met this person, and if you want your joy to last for a long time, try to keep some distance. Why? Because the space between two people, which may appear empty, is actually filled with subtle essences which are the best conductors of psychic energy; it is this space …

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Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount

Jesus and the sermon on the mount

Jesus said, ‘Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.’ What was the nature of Jesus’ love? What did he see in a human being? The response is found in the Sermon on the Mount when he addressed his disciples and the crowd that had followed him, and said, ‘Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.’ What this means is that in his disciples and in all those who came to him, Jesus saw the image of the heavenly Father, of the Divinity, and it was to this Divinity within them that he addressed himself …

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The tree of love- spiritual sexuality

“Love may be compared to a tree. In this tree, sexuality is represented by the roots, roots that are deeply buried in the human being: we cannot pull them up and we should not try to, because they are as indispensable to us as the roots are to a tree. The only way we should explore love is by seeking to go higher, further up into the trunk, the branches, the leaves, the flowers and the fruits. And the flowers and fruits of love are sacrifice. The most spiritual form of love receives its power from the sexual force, but …

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One love

‘Everyone thinks they know what it is they love about any particular man or woman, whether it’s beauty, charm or moral or intellectual qualities. But the reality is that each person loves only the One, the Creator, who made beings the way they are. Make no mistake: it is him you love through others. The more the Divine expresses itself in them as kindness, wisdom, beauty, intelligence or strength, the more you love them. So you will never be able to find fulfilment and perfect joy if you do not seek a vaster, richer reality in the being you love. …

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Loving wisely

“What humans need most is to love and be loved, to give love and receive love. And the truth is that they have a greater need to love than to be loved. Yes, to love, because it is their love that makes them alive and inspires them. To love is the greatest source of blessings. This is why you must never prevent your heart from loving: love all of creation, all creatures, always seeking how best to express your love. However, if you have love for all creatures, it does not mean you should not be cautious. If you expose …

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Is it love or sexuality?

How can we tell the difference between love and sexuality when, in relationships between couples, the two generally go together? Sexuality, when expressed without love, is an egocentric tendency which incites human beings to seek their own pleasure, even to the detriment of their partner. Love, on the contrary, thinks first and foremost of the other’s happiness. It is based on sacrifice: the sacrifice of time, energy or money, if necessary, in order to help the other, to enable the other to blossom and develop all his or her qualities. Nothing is more beautiful than love, when men and women …

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The twin-soul within

Once a man or a woman has truly found their twin soul, that is, has found their complementary principle within, they keep feeling they are meeting this principle everywhere, in all creatures. They love all the women and all the men on earth; they love them spiritually, and they are happy, because they are fulfilled by their twin soul. They no longer experience the emptiness for which others constantly feel they have to find a cure. They feel enriched by every encounter they have. Yes, when you have achieved inner fulfilment, you find your complementary principle in every being. Such …

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Meeting of souls- making love last

So many love stories end in failure! And yet, each time a man and woman begin to love again, they hope that this time it will last for ever and that at last they have found their soul mate… But why then, does that not happen? Because they are unaware of all the elements that come into play when they meet. They discover they have certain affinities and imagine that is enough. What they do not know is that the attraction drawing them together is not a superficial need, easy to satisfy. It is the expression of a cosmic phenomenon …

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Love is an energy from on high

Love is not just the feeling humans have for one another. Love is an energy that comes from on high, an energy that has the same quintessence as the sun. The task of men and women is to take this energy into themselves and allow it to circulate in them in such a way that it then returns to the heights, from where it came. If it does not circulate correctly, it means that many impurities have collected within them, because they have not put enough effort into controlling their instincts and passions. So instead of this energy rising again, …

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Keeping love alive

“People usually associate happiness with love. But very many also recognize in the end that their happiness has been only short-lived! Why? Because they did not know how to preserve their love. To find happiness in love, you must understand that it is not dependent on possessing someone physically or even on the emotional link connecting you to one another. You will only experience true love in that subtle something that connects you, through a man or a woman, to the whole universe, to the beauty of the flowers, forests, springs, sun and constellations. Do not rush to remove the …

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The subtle energies of love

“It is in the realm of love that human beings often feel the most deprived. So many men and women complain that they have no love in their lives! But why is this? In reality, they are immersed in love, since it exists everywhere in the universe, It is a cosmic energy of incredible abundance and diversity, and it is up to us to tap into this abundance. There are certain plants that do not need their roots to be buried in the soil in order to live; because of their unique organisation, which is more evolved than that of …

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Sacred Fire of Divine Love

Just as physical fire has the power to make iron sufficiently pliant and tractable to be given a new form, so the heavenly fire of divine love has the power to plunge man into a state in which he sloughs off his warped, crooked form and receives a new, bright, harmonious one. So, in order to change all your old ideas and habits and transform your character, and even your heredity, you must call on heavenly fire. You must beg it to come into you, to envelop and enflame your heart and your whole being. Do not rely on explanations …

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Finding love without looking

Are you looking for love? Well, that is why you do not find it. You may say, ‘But I need love so much! How can I find it if I don’t look for it?’ If you really want to find love, first start by giving love, and stop looking for it. You will then find that it follows you around, and even if you want to get rid of it you will not be able to. If you chase it out of the door, it will come back in through the window! Yes, as soon as you stop looking for …

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Two ways of love

Someone will say, ‘I love’… Yes, they love, of course, but do they ask themselves about the nature of their love? Do they give a thought to the fact that there are two kinds of love: the self-serving kind and the disinterested kind? Disinterested love does not expect anything from others, it does not fret, it does not cling to them, and it does not trouble them. It is a gushing spring, which gives ceaselessly without being concerned about who will come to draw from it. It is pleased to share its water freely, whereas self-seeking love does the opposite, …

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Love is patient …

Do not be concerned with other people’s weaknesses, and do not lecture them, but try to live with them in such a way that you are an example of impersonality, patience and love. You will emanate such power that, even without saying anything, you will influence those around you and bring them the greatest blessings. Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov   Daily Meditations  15th March 2015

What’s in a look? Language of the eyes

There will come a day when human beings will look at each other just as God looks at them. They will have no more evil thoughts for each other and everyone will give free expression to their love by means of their eyes and their smile. A glance is the language of God. God and the angels speak with their glances. No one in Heaven has time to stop and talk to you; the angels move through space at dizzying speeds greater than the speed of light, but as they pass they send you a glance, which, if you were …

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What's in a look? Language of the eyes

There will come a day when human beings will look at each other just as God looks at them. They will have no more evil thoughts for each other and everyone will give free expression to their love by means of their eyes and their smile. A glance is the language of God. God and the angels speak with their glances. No one in Heaven has time to stop and talk to you; the angels move through space at dizzying speeds greater than the speed of light, but as they pass they send you a glance, which, if you were …

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A loving gesture

It is your love that will save you, and love can be expressed in all the seemingly unimportant gestures you make every day. So make the effort to always find something new to do, in the knowledge that each little gesture you make with diligence, sincerity and love is like a creature of light that is always with you.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Video -Love is a spring

The video I’m posting today contains more of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov’s insights into the ‘Living Book of Nature’.. In early childhood, the master would search out the  little spring in the hills near his home in Varna, Bulgaria. The gentle murmur of its waters whispered  to him its secrets of life and love and he would spend hours listening to its message…

As well as providing a poetic example of the powers of love within our life, the sounds of a mountain spring, (or even, less poetically, water flowing from a tap!), are able to replenish our reserves of life force stored within the solar plexus. Just as it is possible to draw on life forces contained within a tree in a forest, listening to the water flowing from a spring or stream is capable of healing the disorders within the solar plexus that are caused by chaotic emotions. Here is a description of such an exercise from ‘A New Earth’:

The solar plexus is in contact with the entire cosmos and serves as a medium through which human beings communicate with the universe. It is a reservoir of life forces and is completely demagnetized and drained of all its reserves by disorderly emotions such as fear, anger, worry, doubt, promiscuity and chaotic thoughts and feelings. But if the solar plexus can be emptied, it can also be refilled and that is what you need to learn: how to replenish your solar plexus:

For example, you can strengthen it by watching and listening to running water- a fountain, a spring, or a waterfall, for instance. This method may seem insignificant, but it is very effective, for running water influences the solar plexus, which begins to get rid of harmful waste matter.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Of course, it is preferable to do this exercise in nature but even the water flowing from a tap has a beneficial effect  on the solar plexus. I even found that listening to the recorded sounds of a flowing stream had a very soothing influence and so I decided to upload the sounds so they can be heard as you look at the images.

For another exercise to recharge the solar plexus: You do not know what trees are

I hope you enjoyed the video. Thanks for reading- love to hear your comments.

The top photo is entitled Mountain Spring, West Virginia and was found on

The soundtrack  of a flowing stream is by javetakami at