Video:Meditate on light…

People think there is nothing they can do to help or improve humanity as a whole. Well, it might seem like an impossible task- it is certainly gigantic-but if you learn certain methods, you will see that all of a sudden it becomes possible…Try to imagine, for instance, that the whole of humanity is condensed into a single being, standing there by your side, and you hold the hand of this being and give them quantities of light and love. When you do this, some minute particles go out from your soul, and the love you give this one being reflects on every being in the world; they begin to  conceive nobler thoughts and desires in their heart.If hundreds and thousands of people on earth did this exercise, you would see the breath of a new, divine spirit in humanity, and without knowing how or why, they would one day wake up to find themselves completely transformed.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov   A New Earth

This video today can be used as a guided meditation on light.

Miraculous powers of love- effective meditation

When first setting out in the spiritual life, most people encounter a first obstacle: they are unable to meditate because they do not know how to concentrate. Why? First, because they have not learned how to choose subjects for meditation; they throw themselves into it blindly, with no method. The first rule is to choose a subject of a spiritual nature, and the second, a subject that is something heartfelt. The love you have for a person or an object is what attaches you to him or it. When you do not love, you are, if I dare say so, …

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Learn to work with light- video

Learn to work with light, and you will understand that it is light that will bring you true riches. Thanks to light, even your relationships with those around you will improve. Why? Because when we live in abundance, we become generous and open to others. We feel the need to understand them and help them, and we are much less demanding and harsh with them. So make a habit of concentrating on light. Think that you are attracting it, introducing it into yourself, so that it fills your whole being with particles of the greatest purity. And when you feel that …

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In the first light of dawn

“What a privilege it is to be able to contemplate the sunrise! This is why, each year, as spring returns, you should prepare for these unique moments. No presence in the world can bring order and harmony into you like the sun, nor give you the same light, love, peace and joy. The sun is the source, bursting forth, shimmering and flowing… When you succeed in immersing yourself in this flow of light, you will never want to tear yourself away from it again.

And if you arrive very early, well before the sun has even risen, and see the first light of dawn, a feeling of sacredness comes over you, as if you had been admitted into the presence of the mysteries that the whole of nature is celebrating. You even feel the need to walk differently so as not to disturb the atmosphere. You enter into true poetry. How can we not wish that all human beings might one day experience and drink in this beauty, purity and abundance.”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

The gentle art of meditation

In today’s Daily Meditation the master gives some advice on how to succeed at meditation by being gentle and diplomatic with our thoughts. It relates to the passage I posted a few days ago on why he recommends meditation as a spiritual practice: Meditation is a difficult exercise, as it requires great control over our thoughts. But thought is rebellious; it tends to go free and wander, and if you try to stop it abruptly your brain will seize up. As the brain is such a sensitive instrument, you have to start it up very gently, just as you warm …

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Mountain heights

Whenever we notice a distant mountain, we instinctively sense it represents a link between  heaven and earth. In most mythologies, a mountain is considered the dwelling place of the gods. Perhaps this is simply a symbolic representation, for the image of a mountaintop is always associated with the divine world. But it is also reality: mountain summits are antennae which establish  communication between heaven and earth.   Omraam Mikhael Aivanvov Far from the noise and disorder of human life, mountain summits are inhabited by extremely pure and powerful entities. It’s not always possible to climb to such heights to meet them, …

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Video: Surya Yoga at sunrise

I have just spent six weeks at the Bonfin, the  international spiritual community in the south of France, where the master gave the vast majority of his lectures. Each day started while the last stars were still shining as we climbed up to ‘the rock’ to watch the sunrise. These sunrise meditations, or Surya Yoga, as he sometimes called them, are the most precious moments of my day and I created this video to try and capture, in some small way, their beauty and inspiration. Meditation at SunriseWatch this video on YouTube Here are a few recommendations on preparing for …

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New vibrations at sunrise

“You are not yet aware that the sun’s rays are able to feed your spirit. Yes, but only if you learn how to receive them, only if you open yourself to them with all your heart and soul. Can you not accept that light is more than a physical vibration, that it is a living entity? As long as you remain closed to this idea, you cannot benefit from all the sun’s riches.

Try to organize your life in such a way that light occupies more and more of a place in it. In spring and summer, go and contemplate the rising sun, with the thought that you can receive its rays in the same way that you take in food, water and air. And speak to them too, saying, ‘O luminous rays, permeate my being; chase away the clouds that darken my sky.’ They already permeate you without your knowing of course, but if you are conscious and pay attention, if you fill yourself with their light and warmth in the conviction that something is growing and developing within you, gradually you will feel revitalized by new vibrations”.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov    The Splendours of Tipharet

sunrise 2014

As the sun’s rays are just beginning to appear on the horizon, i never regret getting up before 5 am to greet it. The photos are of  particularly beautiful sunrises taken from a spot we call ‘the clump’ in the Ashdown Forest, East Sussex. It’s close to a meditation/ meeting center called the Doves Nest where disciples in the UK meet once a month for spiritual activities, including Surya Yoga- meditating at sunrise. Here’s an extract from the Daily Meditations that describes how we can receive nourishment from the sun’s vibrations…. SJJ