Divine love – the greatest power there is

The Master Peter Deunov used to say, ‘If you nurture within yourself the idea of love in its most sublime form, you receive help from thousands upon thousands of loving souls, for love implies the collective work of a multitude of souls joined together by the idea of love. Divine love is the greatest power there is. Never doubt this truth, if you wish the souls working in its name to always remain close to you.’ These words deserve to be meditated upon, chewed over and digested, for they open up amazing horizons for us. Once we have arrived at …

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Love is a state of consciousness

Butterfly in blue sky

The higher form of love is a state of consciousness in which all beings must learn to live one day. This state of consciousness cannot be described, nor can it be explained to someone who is not ready to live it; all that can be done is to try to lead them there gradually. This state of consciousness allows a person to feel inwardly connected with the universe; they are then like an instrument vibrating in unison with all that exists, they feel a profound sense of peace and, above all, tremendous goodwill towards all beings. They do not know …

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Why is fire so beautiful?

“You have all watched a wood fire blazing in a hearth, but have you ever wondered exactly what happens to make all those dead, dark, twisted logs and branches so bright and beautiful? Isn’t it miraculous to see something that was so black being transformed into something so luminous? But you can do the same: whether you are at home in front of your own fireplace, or here, gathered round the Michaelmas fire at the Bonfin, you can use your imagination to burn your own dead branches- that is, all the instinctive tendencies of your animal nature. All that useless dead …

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Overcoming jealousy and possessiveness

Most people have such a limited understanding of love that the moment they fall in love they forget the whole world- nothing else exists for them. They are not yet used to experiencing love in a greater way. They impoverish it, mutilate it. It is no longer divine love, the love that pours forth, shaking the thirst of all creatures. True love is a love that embraces all creatures without limiting itself, without putting down roots with just one. This why, from now on, men and women need broader concepts -so they can be less jealous and possessive. A husband should …

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