The mystical meaning of Christmas

Why do we celebrate Christmas at the beginning of Winter? The reply can be found in the book of nature. All life begins as a seed, a seed buried in the darkness of the earth or deep within a woman’s womb. Winter is the season when, in the seeds planted in the earth, the long work of germination takes place; and this work ends in springtime, when a multitude of new existences burst into life. An identical work takes place in the psyche of each human being: in the dark earth, representing his lower nature, the seed of the divine …

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Symbolism of the star and the three gifts

This light, this star that shone over the stable at Bethlehem means that every initiate in whom the living Christ is present, radiates light; a light that soothes, nourishes and comforts, a light that heals, purifies and gives life. And one day this light is seen from afar by others and they realize that something very special is manifesting itself through this being, and this ‘something’ is the Christ. This light that is represented by a star with five points is an absolute reality: it shines above the head of every initiate whose feminine principle (that is, whose heart and soul) has given birth to the Christ child, …

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Sharing Christmas joy with angels

In this extract from the Daily Meditation for Christmas Eve, the master explains that we receive subtle, vivifying elements for our heart and soul at Christmas  by  sharing our joy with the angels: “In an initiatic school we see festivals as something quite different from occasions to have feasts, hang up decorations and spend a few pleasurable moments. Each person endeavours to contact energy currents in the subtle regions which will bring life and renewed vitality to their heart and soul. They also know that entities of light come to draw on elements from this atmosphere of joyful exchanges which …

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A single candle flame…

Just as a single drop of water is capable of putting you in touch with the ocean, a single candle flame is capable of putting you in touch with the sun, with cosmic fire, with the Holy Spirit, whose garment is light. Gaze at the flame until you feel that you are melting into it, that you yourself are becoming flame. Love it, talk to it, make friends with it. When you are discouraged, worried or unhappy, light a candle, and by means of its flame unite yourself to all that is fire in the universe. Remind yourself that the …

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Angel messengers

The word ‘angel’ comes from the Greek ‘anguelos’ meaning ‘messenger’. According to the master, the joyful news those angels brought the shepherds was of the coming of one who would bring a new teaching of life, a  life that is pure and filled with the light, love and joy of the spirit. This spirit of love will one day be born in every human soul. Although I suppose supernatural events such as the shepherds’ experience are uncommon, it is still possible for all of us to  communicate with angels through thought and prayer. It is they that receive our prayers …

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