Summer Solstice: Secrets of Alchemy and Sublimation

“The traditional literature of all countries contains innumerable legends and accounts of mythological battles between the forces of light and darkness. On about June 21, with the Summer Solstice, we enter the period in which light triumphs over darkness, and a few days later on June 24th, we celebrate the feast of St John the Baptist. On that date it is customary to light fires that burn all night. The Summer Solstice is ruled by the Archangel Uriel who is an archangel of light: his name means ‘God is my light’. The feast of St John coincides with the moment …

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Symbolism of bees and honey

Bees draw nectar, a sugary liquid, from flowers, and from it they then make a delicious food – honey. In symbolic terms, this is what initiates do. Just as bees draw the nectar from flowers without ever damaging them, so initiates come to human beings to collect only their most spiritual quintessences. From these they prepare a delicious, fragrant food within their heart and soul, using their alchemical knowledge. So the bee is one of the symbols for the initiate. In each human soul, even those of the most deprived, initiates will always be able to find a divine quintessence. …

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Summer Solstice Meditation- sunrise and the elixir of eternal life

In Greece it is referred to as ambrosia, in India soma, and alchemists call it the elixir of eternal life… All cultures make mention of the existence of a beverage of immortality and some even explain how to prepare it. In reality this beverage exists in nature, but not just anywhere of course. It is found only in the most subtle and purest regions of space and only at specific moments, such as sunrise. Dawn is the best time of the day, because the true beverage of immortality is light, and you can capture it in the morning at sunrise …

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