Video-Love’s subtle exchanges

young couple gazing into each other's eyes with love

This is the full text of the video with extracts from Love and Sexuality and The Wellsprings of Eternal Joy by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. The video is published on this site. Or you can view it on the YouTube channel. “Sometimes you meet a being to whom you feel immediately attracted. This person is like a vase filled with a precious essence that plunges you into a state of wonder. They inspire you, broaden your horizons and reveal the beauty of heaven and earth to you. Thank the Lord for having met this person, and if you want your …

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Summer Solstice: Secrets of Alchemy and Sublimation

“The traditional literature of all countries contains innumerable legends and accounts of mythological battles between the forces of light and darkness. On about June 21, with the Summer Solstice, we enter the period in which light triumphs over darkness, and a few days later on June 24th, we celebrate the feast of St John the Baptist. On that date it is customary to light fires that burn all night. The Summer Solstice is ruled by the Archangel Uriel who is an archangel of light: his name means ‘God is my light’. The feast of St John coincides with the moment …

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Participating in God’s work throughout all nature

sunrise over a field

God is always present in his creation, he continually supports it with his life and his love. And, at whatever level they may be, every human being can also participate in this divine work by striving to make the currents flowing in and around them converge toward the Source of life.Think about this in the morning when you attend the sunrise. Look at the sun, realizing that it never stops illuminating, warming and vivifying all creatures. It is the best symbol of the harmonization and purification work we must all do, and this work has beneficial consequences not only for …

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Video: Surya Yoga- sunrise meditation

people watching sunrise on a rock

Here is the text to the video Surya Yoga- meditative practices at sunrise: The master Omraam strongly recommended this type of meditation which is an ancient Vedic practice. You can view it on YouTube here: The sun is so much more than just a star shining in the sky. In the morning, when you see it appear and rise on the horizon, imagine that you rise with it. The vibrations of your entire being will gradually intensify. You will soon feel the sun enter you so deeply that you will no longer be able to distance yourself from it. …

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In service of a great idea

Life has meaning only to those who place themselves in service of a great idea: beauty, peace, justice, brotherhood, and so on. An idea is a living being that works on them: it shapes them and models them to the point that one day, they come to embody something of this world of perfection in their way of thinking and acting.Since an idea is a living being, it is endowed with specific qualities. So, the moment you work for it, you benefit from its wealth. Even if you have only one idea, despite all your weak points, this idea that …

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Peaceful silence of the stars

Milky way and large rock

This is the text by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov of the video published on the front page of this blog. It is from The Path of Silence, the chapter called Revelations of a starry sky. When I was young, in Bulgaria, I would sometimes climb up and spend the night at the top of Mount Mousalla. I would wrap myself up in several blankets and, stretching out on my back, gaze up at the starry sky. I’d try to link myself to the cosmic forces and entities of which the stars are only the physical aspect. I could not understand all …

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A luminous aura attracts all blessings

Celestial entities love the light, and when they catch sight of someone who is surrounded by this light which initiatic Science calls the aura, they rush towards them. If I ask you, ‘Do you really long for love, peace, health and beauty?’ you will all reply, ‘Oh, yes! We want nothing but this!’ So then, what are you doing to obtain them? All blessings cannot come to you simply by chance. The best way to attract them is to work on your aura: vivify it with your love, illuminate it with your wisdom, make it powerful with your strength of …

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Meditation for Springtime

You received so much this morning at sunrise, what is there left to add? I am here to interpret certain phenomena, to explain things to you, that is all…for the rest you must address yourself to the sun. Look at the work he does on all the little seeds that were fast asleep! He says, ‘What are you waiting for? It is time to give! Come on, get to work!’  ‘But we are too weak!’ ‘No,no. come on try! You will see, I will help you’, and the tiny seeds take courage. each day the sun warms them, caresses them, …

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The whirlpool- how to set the world in motion

whirlpool by rock

You are standing on the seashore creating a little whirlpool as you twirl a stick round and round in the water: gradually twigs, scraps of paper and bits of cork begin to spin in the current. If you persevere, there will soon be small boats then big ships and finally the whole world will be caught up in the movement. The etheric ocean in which we are immersed is like this liquid ocean, and by means of our thoughts, we are able to set the whole world in motion – provided that we never stop. But as we do not practise, …

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What’s wrong with modern societies?

Many people think that it does not matter whether or not you believe in God; what matters is to work for the good of society. Well they are wrong, for a society with no God inevitably degenerates after a while. If it has no centre, no sublime core around which to revolve, its members soon cease to be perfect social creatures, and greed, prejudice, and injustice creep in and corrupt. Every society that has not been solidly attached to a firm central axis has ended by being overcome and destroyed by the negative forces. When a society lives in the …

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Daily Meditation- New Year’s Day

Be careful how you spend the first day of the New Year, because this first day is as important for the rest of the year as the time of birth is for the rest of your life. The life of every human being is marked by the planetary influences at work at the time of their birth; the whole course of each life is contained in seed form from the beginning, which explains why horoscopes exist.On a smaller scale, the first day of a year bears within it the seed of the days to come. This is why you must …

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“My Father works, and I work also”

The earth in space with sun star

“Jesus said, ‘My Father works, and I work also.’ Even among Initiates, very few people can make such a statement. All most humans can say is ‘I do what I can’ or ‘It’s a struggle’ or ‘I wrack my brains’ or ‘I try but I never succeed’. Only those who have managed to raise themselves up to the divine Spirit to be impregnated by Him have earned the right to say, ‘I work’.‘My Father works, and I also work’ – in two thousand years, we have not yet plumbed the deeper meaning of these words. They have just remained there, …

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Two thoughts for New Year’s Eve

Write down on a piece of paper the things you most wish for in the way of your spiritual development, for the good of your friends, and for the whole world, and entrust them to the Angel of Fire. Fire is the messenger of the invisible world, and as soon as these papers are burned, entities on high start to take note of them and study them to see how they can grant your wishes. Of course, you must not expect immediate results, but if you are patient, if you continue to work towards the goals you have expressed, one …

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Christmas- the birth of a new consciousness

“At Christmas, we celebrate the union of the soul and spirit. They unite to give birth to a seed which is the beginning of a new consciousness within us. This consciousness manifests as an inner light that dispels all darkness…as heat of such intensity that, even if the whole world abandons us, we never feel alone…as an abundant life that bursts forth wherever our feet take us. This consciousness is also accompanied by an influx of forces that we wish to consecrate to the edification and construction of the Kingdom of God, and at the same time by the extraordinary …

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Mary and the Christ Child

“In his telling of the birth of Jesus, St Luke revealed the events that take place in the soul of every human being in the form of images. It is these symbolic images that I want to show you now. For the Christ Child to be born there must be parents, a father and a mother: the father, Joseph, is the mind, the spirit; the mother, Mary, is the heart, the soul. When the heart and soul are pure, then the Christ child is born, not of the mind and spirit, but of the Universal Soul, the Holy Spirit, in …

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One night in Bethlehem- a meditation for Christmas Eve

I have been thinking about why, out of all the angelic hierarchies, it was the archangel Gabriel that gave the good news to the shepherds. And why were the shepherds the first to hear the news? According to the master and the Jewish  Kabbala, Gabriel is the archangel governing the sephira Yesod. This sephira is linked to the moon and to the materialization of subtle energies, which is why it is also active in the germination of seeds and in child birth- the bringing of new life. Yesod is called ‘the foundation’ because it represents the essential  work of inner …

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Autumn and the Festival of St Michael

“The Archangel Mikhael presides over the Autumn Equinox which occurs on September 22nd. On this day, the sun inaugurates a new cycle as it enters Libra. Fruit and nuts fall from the trees and decompose, leaving their empty husks on the ground; grains are sorted and consumed or stored before being sown to ensure a new cycle of growth. But this process of decomposition and sorting is not something that concerns only the world of plants; it also concerns human beings. Just as the fruit separates from the tree and the seed or stone separates from the fruit, so the …

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What gives meaning to prayer?

photo of snow capped mountain during evening

We can only come into contact with God, the Cosmic Spirit, by coming into contact with the spirit within us, with our higher self. So when you pray to God, you are actually seeking to attain the summit of your being. And if you succeed, you will release a vibration which is so pure and subtle that its diffusion within you will produce the most beneficial transformations. And even if you fail to obtain what you have asked for in your prayers, at least you have gained a few very precious elements. What gives meaning to prayer? The effort you …

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Autumn gold

Why do alchemists describe the transformation of matter in the Great Work as a sequence of colours? Because they have observed this sequence in the world of vegetation. Think of fruit trees, for example: except for some nuances – for nature is rich in variety – they pass through a series of colours, and always in the same order. In winter, the trees are black and bare. In spring, they become white with flowers and green with leaves. Then comes summer, and the ripening fruits turn yellow and red. In autumn the foliage turns red and gold, and with red …

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The pyramid of light and the power of global prayer meetings

Inhabitants of the higher regions rejoice when they see hearths of light all over the earth. It gives them such joy and happiness. These little points of light are the bridge between heaven and earth. Without these links, without these centres, the earth would be invaded and annihilated by dark forces.  It is these luminous centres, radiating from all over the world, that sustains the souls of human beings, giving them what they need, their food, joy and happiness.  Today, I’ve decided to tell you a secret. What is an initiatic centre, with all its life and light, in reality? …

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One with the limitless ocean

The limited cannot understand the limitless; so human beings, who are limited, cannot understand God, the limitless. Or, to be more precise, they cannot know him as long as they remain outside of him. They will only know him once they enter this immensity, merge with it and become part of it. As long as a drop of water is separate from the ocean, it cannot know the ocean, but when it returns to the ocean it can no longer be separated from it; the drop has become the ocean, it knows the ocean. You will say, ‘But humans exist …

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Prayer, the Universal Gift

This is the text of the video, Prayer, the Universe Gift, which I have published on this website. You can view it on the Words of Light YouTube channel here ‘Prayer is the greatest gift that God has given us.. When you pray, your prayer is like a seed; tiny and yet already equipped to grow and bear fruit.You pronounce certain words; you concentrate on a luminous image. And it’s like a cry for help that you’ve launched towards heaven. You need protection, you need help and you will only obtain this protection and help by linking yourself to the …

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Universal Spirit- video text

Here it the text of the video Universal Spirit. You can view it on YouTube here When  I arrive in a new town and see great crowds of people in the streets, I think of how these men and women each have their own life, their own history, their problems to resolve, their suffering and their loves… And of how there is a Being that sustains them all because it lives within them… Centre your thoughts on this Universal Spirit, on the heavenly Father who created us, who carries and sustains us and lives in all his creatures.  You will …

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The Cosmic Being that dwells within

Man watching sunrise from summit of mountain

We should understand the Lord exists right there within us, and at the same time remember that we are a part of him, an infinitesimal particle, that He is the whole and we are a particle of this whole. If you pray to the Lord thinking he is somewhere beyond the stars, how do you expect your prayer to reach Him? Yes, it is true that prayer travels throughout the universe; but it takes so long for it to cross infinite space! On the other hand, if the Lord is right here within you, all you have to do is …

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Building a lasting relationship

Loving young couple, gazing into each other's eyes

A love relationship only makes sense if you are able to build something solid and lasting with your partner. Look to see if there is harmony between you on three planes – physical, emotional and mental – or whether you are merely yielding to a passing infatuation and the lure of pleasure. If you have no affinity on the level of emotions, tastes and ideas, do not tell yourself that it does not matter, that things will eventually work out; they will not. On the contrary, as soon as the novelty of certain pleasures wears off, you will realize that …

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Working towards peace: three methods of helping humanity

Omraam Mikhael holding dove

Here are three simple but effective meditative methods of helping humanity from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov: Send thoughts of light to heads of state If you want to help your country, you must touch the person in charge with thoughts of light, so that he or she may always be well inspired. You cannot help a whole country directly; it is too big. It is enough- and it is far easier- to help one person, just one. And this one person, in turn, will help everyone else, for much depends on the leader. If he or she can promote just laws …

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Participating in God’s work

God is always present in his creation, he continually supports it with his life and his love. And, at whatever level they may be, every human being can also participate in this divine work by striving to make the currents flowing in and around them converge toward the Source of life. Think about this in the morning when you attend the sunrise. Look at the sun, realizing that it never stops illuminating, warming and vivifying all creatures. It is the best symbol of the harmonization and purification work we must all do, and this work has beneficial consequences not only …

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How to use Mantra and sacred formulas

Sanskrit Om symbol

 A mantra, a sacred formula is like a mould that must be filled with intense life, that is to say, with love and faith. When a formula is spoken out loud, it sets in motion currents that rise through the heavenly hierarchies up to the throne of God. A formula must always be pronounced at least three times in order to reach the three worlds – physical, spiritual and divine. Tireless repetition of the same formula penetrates the depth of the subconscious where the roots of our being lie, and it is there, in the roots of our being, that we have …

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The enemy within- the lower nature

Deadly nightshade

Human beings’ lower nature is like an enemy who continues to destroy the good work they have done. Despite them seeking to transform their being into a land where vegetation will grow to nourish themselves as well as others, their lower nature strives to sow the seeds of poisonous plants in them: jealousy, pride, sensuality, greed, vanity, anger, and so on. And why does it so often succeed? Because humans are neither educated nor vigilant. Try to identify this inner enemy seeking to sneak through and sow weeds or even poisonous plants in you. By studying the methods it uses …

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Good Friday-sacrifice and the beauty of the new life

By accepting to die on the cross, Jesus made a sacrifice, and we must meditate on this in order to measure the grandeur of it, and to link ourselves to it through thought. But in the new life which the Christ is now proposing, it is not recommended that we dwell on the suffering of the cross, because the Christ also manifests through beauty, joy and light. In the new society, it is thoughts of the glory of Christ that must nourish our inner life. Heaven rejoices that we no longer kiss the ground and kneel beside graves, because there …

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Easter- the mystery of death and rebirth

‘If you do not die, you shall not live’, said Jesus. The idea of resurrection, then, is linked with death and disintegration. If the seed does not die, it prevents the manifestation of the power of life buried in it. In a human being, it is the lower self that must die to leave room for the Spirit, the divine principle, which is then free to act and transform everything… The secret of the resurrection is before our eyes in Nature, waiting for us to understand it and decide to die consciously so as to become a new being…… ‘If …

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Easter and the living book of nature

Christmas and Easter – the birth of Jesus which is celebrated in the beginning of winter, and his resurrection which is celebrated in the spring – represent two pages in the great Book of Nature. This idea may offend many Christians, but instead of being offended, it would be better to reflect on it. Those who fixed the dates of these feast days long ago were beings who possessed great knowledge of the relationship between nature and the human soul. They had meditated profoundly on the life of Jesus and his teaching and had understood that in his identification with …

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The magical powers of music

“While you listen to music, learn to work with it; use it to form a mental picture of all the things you wish for. You want so many things- and yet you do nothing to get them! Music gives you all possibilities and the very best conditions, for it creates an atmosphere that is like a strong wind filling your sails and driving your ship on towards a new world. Music is a powerful aid in making things come true. Instead of letting your mind wander aimlessly, fix it firmly on the most ardent  desires of your heart. If it …

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The patient persistence of a water drop

water dripping onto stones

Never stop trying, not even for a day. For however small your efforts may be, the secret to success lies in persistence and perseverance. If you pause you may even risk losing what you have already acquired. For matter possesses an immense power of resistance, of inertia. True success does not depend on making intense, exceptional efforts for a few moments but on the constant repetition of small, daily endeavours. Dripping water hollows out a stone. And yet, water is soft and stone is so hard! Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov Related posts on perseverence: The brave heart of a snow drop

Universal Brotherhood in the Age of Aquarius

Aquarius - water pitcher

This article gives a general over-view of the ‘Aquarian’ teachings of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. It was published in the Rainbow News magazine in New Zealand a decade ago and I am republishing it on this blog hoping that it will be of interest to some of you! SJJ The old Piscean age is fading into history to make way for a new age of Aquarius, the age of universal brotherhood.  Aquarius, the sign of universality and brotherly love, has been making it’s influence known for centuries now.  Under the influence of this constellation, a new note is being sounded.  The …

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Change is not achieved through violence

Omraam Mikhael holding dove

It is true that we live in a society in which a great many things need to be changed, but this must not be achieved through violence. Besides, true change is never wrought through violence, which always leads to greater evils than those it claims to cure. So, how can we bring about change in society? By our way of life. It is by first transforming themselves that human beings can change the whole world. But for this to happen, they need a teaching, that is to say, a system and methods. For this is the crux of the matter: …

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