Everything breathes- trees, oceans, even stones… The earth is alive and it breathes; the stars too. Yes, they breathe in and out and the influence of their respiration is felt even here on earth….
Respiration can reveal great mysteries to you, but only when you accompany it with some mental work. As you breathe out, think that you are expanding to the very limits of the universe and then, as you breathe in again, you contract and withdraw into yourself, into your Self, that imperceptible point at the centre of an infinite circle. Again you expand and again you contract… In this way you will discover the movement of the ebb and flow which is th key to all the rhythms of the universe. When you become conscious of this movement within your own being, you enter into the harmony of the cosmos and establish a relationship of exchange between yourself and the universe for, as you breathe in, you inhale elements from space and , as you breathe out, you send out into space something of your own heart and soul.
Those who know how to harmonize themselves with the respiration of the cosmos enter into the sphere of divine consciousness. But so many of you are still a long way from understanding the spiritual dimension of respiration! If you were sensitive to that dimension, you would spend your lives working to breathe in the strength and light of God and breathe out that light again to the whole world. For to breathe out is also this: to distribute the light of God that you have drawn into yourself.
To breathe in and out… in and out… There is a link between respiration and every manifestation of the spiritual life. Meditation is respiration; prayer is respiration; ecstasy is respiration; every form of communication with heaven is respiration and your breathing reveals the intensity of that exchange. When you are in communion with heaven you breathe deeply as though you were embracing your loved one.’
The spiritual exercises you are given here will strengthen you and enable you to contend with your problems. What counts is the intensity and concentration that you bring to them. The master Peter Deunov used to say, ‘When you pray, focus your thoughts exclusively on the subject of your prayer and take a deep, slow breath.’ Prayer is more effective when it is accompanied by peaceful, rhythmic breathing.
Guided Breathing Exercise
Put all your thoughts and worries to one side and focus your mind on the light that fills the whole universe, the source of all blessings. You can picture a gigantic sun, radiating light in all directions.
Slowly and deeply, breathe in light. As you breathe in, imagine you are drawing light and life into your whole being. For a few seconds, hold each breath, in conscious gratitude for all that it brings you. As you breathe out, imagine you are radiating light into all the cells of your being.
Continue to breathe in and out, concentrating on light, as though everything, even your very life, depends on it. Now imagine that with every out- breath, you radiate light all around you. Allow yourself to rest in light, to melt into light, to soak yourself in light. Bathe in a vibrant, throbbing, quivering ocean of peace, happiness and joy. Finally, imagine the whole universe is bathed in light.
As you end this meditation, say quietly to yourself, 3 times: May all beings live in light, peace and happiness.
This is the text of the Youtube video, Breathing, the universal ebb and flow which can be found on this website.
Other posts of respiration:
Breathing and the mystery of life
Deep breathing from the diaphragm- its spiritual benefits