Onwards and upwards

“Now that you have committed to the path of light, you must keep walking without wondering when you will reach the end. One by one, all obstacles give way before those who do not stop en route, for they have set the powerful laws of life in motion.

Spiritual life is like climbing a high mountain. On these arduous, steep paths, it is inevitable that you will go through moments of weakness and discouragement, and you may even take a tumble, but this is no reason to stop”.

In the High Mountains by Fel
In the High Mountains by Fel

Every so often you may even have the sensation that you are dying… but you will come back to life! At the point of deepest discouragement, you will need to cling to the mysterious glimmering light that is still there inside you: it will tell you that the ‘death’ through which you are passing will be followed by a resurrection and that no one can help you better than you can help yourself, for you have all of life’s powers within you. And then you will continue your climb toward the summit.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov        Daily Meditations 27th December 2014

When I was 13 years old I went to France for the first time as part of a student exchange visit. The French family I was staying with took me on a trip to the Pyrenees which gave me my first experience of the mountains. Once we were out of the car, I started to climb up what to me was a pretty high mountain (in reality it was a very modest hill!). I clambered up its side determined to reach the top and was elated to reach my goal. And that was when I unexpectedly learnt something important – a whole panorama of summits opened up to my view.

Sunrise over the Pyrenees
Sunrise over the Pyrenees

I have never forgotten that experience- it has taught me that the quest for perfection is never-ending. We may think we have had some success but new and greater challenges tend to turn up afterwards. In moments of weariness this could be discouraging but as the master says, happiness is found in the pursuit a lofty, inaccessible goal. Once targets are reached we need to find others so why not adopt an ideal that can never be fully achieve? Below is the master’s ideal, which he received from master Peter Deunov and communicated to his own disciples:

To have a heart as pure as crystal; a mind as luminous as the sun; a soul as vast as the universe; and a spirit as powerful as God and one with God.

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