Joy of angels at Christmas

In an initiatic school we see festivals as something quite different from occasions to have feasts, hang up decorations and spend a few pleasurable moments. Each person endeavours to contact energy currents in the subtle regions which will bring life and renewed vitality to their heart and soul. They also know that entities of light come to draw on elements from this atmosphere of joyful exchanges which they will then use for carrying out their work across the world. To help them in this work, each person entrusts to them their joy and all the spiritual riches that this festival brings them, in order to benefit others. And this joy and wealth comes back to them magnified.”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov    Daily Meditations

This Youtube short is based on this passage from the master on angels.

The joy of the angels at Christmas
Wishing you all the best spiritual gifts for Christmas- light, love, peace and joy!

Angel on the mountain- Gabriel and the Winter Solstice | Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov Words of Light (

2 thoughts on “Joy of angels at Christmas”

  1. Merci de tout cœur chers frères et sœurs pour ce magnifique travail que vous faites pour diffuser l’enseignement du Maître Omraam à travers votre site ! Je le découvre à l’instant et je le trouve particulièrement beau et bien fait. Merci !
    Soeur Brigitte (de Bretagne en France)


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