In service of a great idea

Life has meaning only to those who place themselves in service of a great idea: beauty, peace, justice, brotherhood, and so on. An idea is a living being that works on them: it shapes them and models them to the point that one day, they come to embody something of this world of perfection in their way of thinking and acting.
Since an idea is a living being, it is endowed with specific qualities. So, the moment you work for it, you benefit from its wealth. Even if you have only one idea, despite all your weak points, this idea that lives in the kingdom of light puts you in contact with all its friends and introduces you to other beings and other regions on high. We must understand the magical nature of the concept of an idea because what is true of the power of ideas inspired by good is also true of the power of ideas inspired by evil. That is why you must be lucid and vigilant before accepting an idea and deciding to implement it.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov Daily Meditations 3rd March 2019

Disciples of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov cherish an individual and collective ideal. ‘The high ideal’ was initially given by master Peter Deunov.

‘Have a heart as pure as crystal, a mind as luminous as the sun, a soul as vast as the universe and a spirit as powerful as God and one with God’.

The following article provides an overview of the collective ideal of universal brotherhood- a world of peace and justice for all.

Article: Universal Brotherhood in the Age of Aquarius

Posts on working with thought:

Three methods of working with thought and imagination

Creative Prayer- long extract from The Powers of Thought

A recommended video on the Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov Words of Light Youtube Channel:

Prayer -the Universal Gift

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