The enemy within- the lower nature

Human beings’ lower nature is like an enemy who continues to destroy the good work they have done. Despite them seeking to transform their being into a land where vegetation will grow to nourish themselves as well as others, their lower nature strives to sow the seeds of poisonous plants in them: jealousy, pride, sensuality, greed, vanity, anger, and so on. And why does it so often succeed? Because humans are neither educated nor vigilant.

Try to identify this inner enemy seeking to sneak through and sow weeds or even poisonous plants in you. By studying the methods it uses you will be warned of its arrival. Because there are warning signs whenever it comes near: a thought, an image, a feeling, a desire. If you fall prey to it, it is because you have not analysed yourself well; you are just walking about on the surface of your own being, waiting for great hardships so you can start worrying about what is happening within you. Now that you have been warned, you will be better able to observe yourself so as to notice the clues announcing your enemy’s imminent arrival.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov Daily Meditations April 8th, 2019

The picture is of Deadly Nightshade

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Post on Omraam UWB UK:

Two natures, human and divine

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