Change is not achieved through violence

It is true that we live in a society in which a great many things need to be changed, but this must not be achieved through violence. Besides, true change is never wrought through violence, which always leads to greater evils than those it claims to cure.

So, how can we bring about change in society? By our way of life. It is by first transforming themselves that human beings can change the whole world. But for this to happen, they need a teaching, that is to say, a system and methods. For this is the crux of the matter: you have to live a new life based on a new philosophy supported and nourished by a new understanding of love. Harmony then begins to take root in people who become beneficial, constructive agents for all of humanity.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov Daily Meditations 18th January 2021

For related posts on working peacefully for a better world:

Jesus, MLK, and non-violent, non-passive resistance

Working towards peace: three methods of helping humanity

Peace- the flower of unity and love

Why our democracies fail

Aquarius -a new era

I have published a small booklet on Amazon Kindle about the inspirational lives of non- violent activists for change and peace including MLK, Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, Gandhi and of course, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. It is called Words of the Peacemakers– Inspirational Thoughts on Peace from Great Leaders and Teachers

What I found interesting when researching their lives and their thought was the importance that they all attached to love and to becoming a living example of the change that they wanted to see in the world.

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