The purpose of initiation is to extract a human being from the limited circle of their lower self in order to project them into the limitless circle of cosmic consciousness. This consciousness already lives within them, but they are not yet clearly conscious of it. The consciousness you have of yourself is limited to your lower self which manifests in your everyday life. But this lower self is not yet you. ‘You’ are also your higher self, your sublime self also living and working within you, but of which you are not yet fully conscious.
This higher self wants to know itself through the lower self, even in the dense matter of the physical body. It already knows itself up above, of course, but it wants to know itself down below also. Thanks to the efforts you make to imagine your higher self coming closer, you will one day experience such enlightenment that your consciousness will know no more limits. You will be in the light and you will finally feel at one with your divine self.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov Daily Meditations
Cosmic Consciousness-entering the peace within the silence
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