Consumerism is a sacrifice of human life

The economy has become the great preoccupation of people today; and in the interest of the economy, they feel obliged to hurry everywhere, to strain and exhaust themselves because they have to produce more and more, in order to sell more and more, so they can buy more and more, and so on. And all those we do not find sufficiently ‘profitable’, are eliminated.
But what is this economy in which we find it acceptable to sacrifice human beings? It may certainly be flourishing more and more, while humans destroy not only their nervous systems; their hearts, their stomachs, and their lungs suffer as well. Because all this activity, all this production and accelerated consumption bring with it pollution which poisons the atmosphere, water, earth, food, and so on. Where is the intelligence in this? What has happened to reason? An ‘economy’ which spoils, destroys, pollutes, and squanders, is this really a true economy?

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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