Is there anything to stop human beings from being brothers and sisters, from forming universal brotherhood in the world… What can stop them? The only thing that stops them is illusion, the illusion of thinking they are happier being separated from each other…but the years go by, and they are no happier.
It is normal for everyone to want to live their own life, no one wants to change that: you do not have to be welded to other people nor assume their problems. You and your life remain separate and independent, but in the invisible world you are united, you form a unity. Are cells welded together in the human body or is each one individual? The cells in the heart are not the same as the cells in the stomach, each one is an individual, but their affinities, their common goal, create a state of harmony between them called health. No one is going to ask you to change your skin colour or your religion. Let everyone remain as they are, with their own particular qualities, but let there be understanding between them, a tolerance and understanding of each other that will form unity in the divine world.
In the brotherhood, our aim and ideal is to teach human beings to work for the whole world, not just for themselves. It is extremely difficult, I know, but it is when things are difficult that we show heaven whether or not we are loyal and true. It is when conditions are difficult, almost impossible, that you should be an example.
If Heaven ever gave me an opportunity to speak to the world this is what I would say: “Hear me, all you rich and poor, knowledgeable and ignorant! … the reason you are in trouble, the reason for all your problems and difficulties is that you do not know what is in your own interest. If it is a question of making a profit out of someone or something, of finding excitement, of fighting, then you are ready, But to create the right conditions for humanity to live in happiness and peace, there is no one! And all because you have no idea where your own interest lies. You are not really seeking happiness. If you were you would unite in order to obtain it, you would do anything to create it!”
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Universal spirit lives in all people