In order to transcend the limits of their consciousness, disciples of initiatic science must learn to project themselves up to great heights, to the sublime Being that embraces and nourishes every creature. A disciple seeks to know how this Being envisions the destiny of mankind, what its plans are for the disciple’s own evolution, not just in the near future, but more importantly, in the distant future. And it is through striving to draw closer and closer to this immense, luminous and perfect Being that disciples are able to detach themselves. A transformation takes place within them, in their subconscious, in their consciousness, and in their super consciousness, and what they then feel and experience is indescribable.
This practice is one of the most beneficial: by devoting themselves to it every day, disciples distance themselves from their limited ego and dissolve into this ocean of light which is God. It is here that they receive true knowledge and discover freedom.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov