Can drinking water improve brain function?

Fill a cup or a glass with water… Even such a small quantity of water can represent all the water on earth. Symbolically, magically, it only takes only one drop for us to be connected to all the rivers, lakes and oceans. Concentrate on this cupful, greet it so that it becomes even more alive and vibrant, tell it how much you admire it, how beautiful you find it, ask it to grant you its clarity, its transparency. Then, when you have thoroughly washed your hands, you can touch this water, dip your fingers in it, aware that you are coming into contact with its etheric body, that you are absorbing its vibrations, that they permeate you. If you do this exercise with a feeling of sacredness, you will feel your body vibrate in harmony with all of nature, you will become lighter, purer, and even your brain will work better.
And since, of the four elements, water is the one which blends most intimately with our body, you can drink it thinking that you are thereby also establishing communication with the forces of life in the universe. But drink it slowly, with the awareness that you are receiving the cosmic fluid that quenches and nourishes all beings.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Water- messenger of the universal soul

Cosmic waters

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