Sending signals of light

You would like to receive help and blessings from heavenly entities, but how can they even see you if you do nothing to attract their attention? Send them a few signals of light at least. How? By projecting sparks, fireworks of pure colour, each day, from your heart, mind, soul and spirit. When they see them, these entities will say, ‘Oh, there’s a party down there; let’s go and join in!’ As they draw near, what they see will seem so beautiful to them that they will befriend you. They may even decide to live within you, and then everything will become easier for you.
If spiritual work is to be taken seriously, it is because it is the only way to attract the presence and help of higher spirits. Light is the only thing they are sensitive to – but not just any kind of light, only the kind projected by creatures who work with their thoughts, feelings and wishes to make their whole being a dwelling worthy of the Divine.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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