In this extract from the Daily Meditation for Christmas Eve, the master explains that we receive subtle, vivifying elements for our heart and soul at Christmas by sharing our joy with the angels:
“In an initiatic school we see festivals as something quite different from occasions to have feasts, hang up decorations and spend a few pleasurable moments. Each person endeavours to contact energy currents in the subtle regions which will bring life and renewed vitality to their heart and soul. They also know that entities of light come to draw on elements from this atmosphere of joyful exchanges which they will then use for carrying out their work across the world. To help them in this work, each person entrusts to them their joy and all the spiritual riches that this festival brings them, in order to benefit others. And this joy and wealth comes back to them magnified.”
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov Daily Meditations
Carol singing is a great way to spread joy at this time whether out in the streets, in a church or around the piano at home with friends. Yesterday I was lucky enough to attend a beautiful carol service at Westminster Abbey in London. The music created a special atmosphere which I hope brought joy, light and love to many hearts. It was the sort of atmosphere that attracts the luminous spirits the master spoke of- it feeds them subtle energies which they can use for their work around the world.
In a way, children are right to believe in Father Christmas. Although the physical toys they receive are bought by their parents, in reality there are invisible spirits who long to shower us all with spiritual gifts at this time. We just need to open out hearts and minds to receive them- gifts like love, peace, joy and light.
I’ve just remembered how the young children at the Bonfin (the master’s school in France) used to call him Papa Noel. He had such love and tenderness for children and also had a habit of distributing bonbons to them!
Thanks for reading this post and I hope you have a very happy Christmas- This is part of the Dean’s blessing from the carol service at Westminster Abbey yesterday. I found it moving:
May the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the perseverance of the wise men, the obedience of Mary and Joseph, and the peace of the Christ child be with you this Christmas….and may the blessing of God be with you always.